Channel: trauma – Blueprints for Butterflies
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Let’s speak about a very big issue in our society which is extremely uncomfortable and I believe goes unspoken about in relation to the trauma it causes.  It is with great difficulty that I write this today because it’s a hot button issue not only for myself but for the majority of the people who come to us for Life Coaching.  I want to bring some clarity to childhood emotional abuse and the fallout it brings to a child’s Spirit and mental health.  There are very few people in our society who have had a “Leave it to Beaver” childhood which means that most people these days have suffered some form of abuse but for some reason we think of emotional abuse as “no big deal”.  I’m here to say that it IS a big deal and the trauma from this kind of abuse goes unrecognized for the most part due to the fact that there are no marks or bruises to say “someone is hurting me”.  There are many parents out there who have fallen victim to emotional abuse as children and don’t realize how deep the pain and abandonment go so it continues to be passed down from generation to generation.  When one suffers from emotional abuse they learn that Love=pain which means their Blueprint is upside-down.  An emotionally abused parent finds a precarious path when parenting solely based on what NOT to do so I would like to bring some insight into this type of abuse.  I would like to preface this by saying not all parents who “emotionally abuse” their children are bad people rather they are just as lost sometimes as the children they are raising.

As parents we need to understand that no matter how low our self-esteem or deep our insecurities our children look at us as their Creators therefore, to them, we are Everything!  Parents are “Gods/Goddesses” to their children and when a child suffers from emotional abuse it creates the deepest kind of trauma.  It is a most intimate form of violation when we raise our children in fear, anger, guilt, judgment, neglect, discouragement, indignity, scorn, shame, lack of communication, ridicule, jealousy, criticism, and/or resentment.  Our children are never “consequences” of bad decisions or bad relationships and it is most unfair for a parent to lay this kind of emotional burden on a child.  It’s equivalent to asking a child to hold the weight of not only their world but the weight of the parents world on their shoulders and this clearly can’t be expected of a child.  Our job as parents is not to create a “mini me” who represents all of our ideals rather we are here to mentor their Spirit so they can find their own Gifts and their own way.  It is not for us as parents to Live vicariously through our children by putting our “rules” and expectations on them when we Live in a Limitless world.  We are there for guidance, safety, and consistency so that they can feel Safe and Loved which brings Balance and Self Worth.  We speak of bullying in school but we how often to we stop and question where it begins, and it Always begins at Home.

The most common traumas that are induced from emotional abuse are low self-esteem, abandonment, and an extremely intense fear which sometimes manifests itself as anger.  The way we treat our children is a direct reflection of how we feel about ourselves making it a guilt-filled journey for parents who are emotionally abusive to their children.  This is why it’s so difficult for them to look at the wake of damage being done up close and personal.  It’s an endless cycle of emotional manipulation, projection, and deflection which leaves the child longing for some form of validation and consistency.  Parents who neglect or abuse their children emotionally are typically in a strong “victim” mentality therefore they cycle between abuse and guilt always looking for a reason to play the “victim” once again.  Most people that are in “victim” mentality refuse to recognize that they are projecting their emotions onto their children this way, complicated by the fact that many of them were also emotionally abused.  It takes the “victim” to recognize that they were a victim at some point or another and begin to deal with the pain and trauma surrounding the “event”.  Most emotionally abused parents who are also emotionally abusive are despondent, disconnected, distracted, and “weary of parenting” when most likely they never learned to care for themselves the proper way – much less a child.  They fail to understand that a parent is more Valuable than anything else in a child’s Life and that their Positive, Loving influence is crucial to the child’s emotional development.  The “abused/abusive” parent may not feel Worthy of the Love the child brings if they also learned that Love=pain.  Many use their children as the excuse to be a victim because they are stressed out or tired of “dealing” with the child because the child becomes a glaring mirror of what the parent doesn’t want to see in themselves.  They tend to look away rather than face the Truth which is compounded by the empathy and intuition almost every parent has at their disposal.  The real tragedy is that the parent is so consumed by having their own emotional needs met instead of focusing on the needs of the child, emotionally and otherwise.  I want to reiterate that because it is VERY important…the parent is consumed with having their emotional needs met above the needs of their child!  An abused child cannot help but feel abandonment and as such it becomes a continuous cycle of searching for Safe Love and in turn pushing it away to make sure it will come back.  The child becomes detached and alone leaving them to tread water in an endless sea of darkness yearning for the parents Love and approval.

When a child is emotionally abused it is the tendency to begin to act out and look for attention which they falsely mistake as Love.  They become so used to negative reinforcement at home that they begin looking for it in all areas of Life including school and relationships.  Once the child reaches an age of “accountability” the abusive parent typically begins to “give up” on the child due to the child’s destructive and angry behavior.  When this happens the abuser,  aka the “victim”, now has every excuse to continue the abusive behavior because the child is acting out and now they can “blame” the child for the mess, even though the behavior was incited by the abusive parent in the first place.  The child feels alone and feels as if there is no one they can count on to “have their back”.  The child is acting out because they are treading water, terrified, and screaming for help in whatever form it comes.  They literally have their hand up and are screaming for rescue in the form of that which they do not understand – Unconditional Love.  The more abandoned the child feels the more intense they will act out because their ultimate goal becomes pushing the parent away to find some sort of Trust in the parent/abuser.  There are no physical marks or scars so the child senses something is off but doesn’t understand what it is since they learned these things from Birth.  Emotional abuse is a slow, chronic process that eats away at the psyche of the child leaving a trail of broken promises behind for the child to reconstruct without the proper tools to do so.  The cries for help intensify as the child grows older if they cannot find the emotion of Love and Acceptance from the abusive parent.  These children will look for “love in all the wrong places” and when they find it they tend to push it away to avoid the pain that comes with their perception of what Love really means.  They learn that Love is inconsistent and has all kinds of “conditions” and oftentimes will become “addicted” to seeking and winning approval from the abusive parent even to the extent of rejecting other people in their Lives that Truly Love them.

It’s much easier for the parent to Heal and begin to parent their children from the Heart than it is for the child.  The child suffers much longer due to the endless quest for Love=pain provided the parent doesn’t begin to teach them they are Unconditionally Loved.  Neglect is also a form of emotional abuse and comes in the form of not nurturing a child and/or their emotions.  Abusive parents are inconsistent and as such the child is left to “walk on eggshells” because the abuse usually alternates between the parent’s Loving presence and the “victim” who presents themselves as the abuser.  A child is a “Godlike”, Spiritual presence in their Innocence and their Love for ALL but abusive parents literally steal their children’s Soul like a blood thirsty vampire.  What a parody of extremes when a child Loves a parent and is utterly terrified of them at the same time without Truly understanding where the fear comes from.  The marks, bruises, and scars are evident only to the child who is left confused and unable to comprehend their fear.  Neglect and abuse come in many forms including unreasonable expectations, anger, excessive punishment, physical and emotional neglect, lack of communication, bullying, name calling, Parental Alienation Syndrome (which involves a parent “bashing” another parent to the child - http://moonhippiemystic.com/2012/10/06/what-is-parental-alienation-syndrome/), and negative reinforcement.  It’s so important to talk to our children about their thoughts and feelings and to spend time interacting with them free from the distraction of television, computers, or phones.  Abused children don’t understand how to express their emotions the proper way because they don’t understand the emotion of Love and the abusive parent doesn’t leave room for the child to express themselves in any way, shape, or form.  The child learns that emotions are “weak” because they don’t have the forum in which to express themselves even though the parent is expressing themselves in the form of the abuse or neglect.  The parent usually suffers from their own childhood trauma and/or depression, alcoholism, or some form of addiction even if the “addiction” is the abusive cycle itself.  The “parent” is then replaced by a victim who enables the child to “raise themselves” due to the parent’s overwhelming guilt and the lack of emotional intelligence needed to face the consequences of the damage that is clearly evident.

A child’s needs are the same as anyone else’s wants in terms BEing seen and heard.  In other words, from an emotional aspect, what the parent may “want” the child actually Needs.  A child literally Needs Love to Survive and without it they become an empty shell longing for something they can’t even begin to put their finger on.  They generally grow up to lead a very lonely, perplexed Life resulting in an endless cycle of searching for Love and validation gaining momentum at every turn or “trauma”.  It’s imperative that a parent listen to their child, learn about their Hopes and Dreams, and Encourage them to pursue a Positive and Healthy Life.  A child should Always know that they are Safe and Loved Unconditionally.  It helps immensely if they are on a schedule so they know what to expect in their day as it helps keep them Balanced and shows the consistency they so desperately yearn for.  They Need Soul nourishment which can be accomplished by teaching them Happiness – yes, we actually have to teach our children how to be Happy.  There’s a great book written just for kids by my friend Patrick McMillan called “Discover Your Happiness Guide” which can assist in beginning the process of Teaching Happiness to our kiddos (http://www.amazon.com/Discover-Your-Happiness-Guide-Just/dp/1481191659/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1377702711&sr=8-1&keywords=patrick+mcmillan+happiness) .  A child, by definition, is Joy and when they aren’t able to feel Joy or feel that they bring Joy to their parents they are unable to find Happiness.  Martial Arts is also a great forum and  form of therapy for children who are emotionally abused or bullied as it teaches them discipline, inner strength, philosophy, meditation, and anger management. Most of these children are extremely angry and it does them good to have a forum in which to express themselves.  Positive reinforcement is key as is learning how to talk to the child in order to get them to express their emotions. There’s nothing easier than seeing Life through the eyes of an Innocent child and the wonder they bring to everything they see or touch.  Another necessity is learning to communicate with the child as most abused children are terrified of making any kind of mistake and often view every mistake as a “failure” which is why they tend to lie about small things fearing they will get in “trouble”.  This way of thinking is brought about because the child gets in “trouble” for unreasonable things and is, on most occasions, punished excessively by verbal abuse, yelling, spanking, or “alone” time that goes longer than is necessary.  It is important to observe the child and their behavior because a parent can gain much insight into the patterns and begin to learn what the child’s “triggers” are in order to adjust accordingly.

There are so many sayings and quotations about Unconditional Love but the words are lost on those who have never experienced the Emotion of it.  We can talk and talk for eons about Unconditional Love but until the child and/or parent Allows themselves to REceive Love the words will fall on deaf ears.  The most important thing to remember is that it takes time, patience, and consistency to undo the damage.  It’s a process in teaching the child about Love, Trust, and Happiness which can only be proved by allowing the child time to adjust and room to “act out” their fears and insecurities.  The child needs to feel they have a Safe place to express their emotions because most of the emotions will be fear and anger based which makes it “uncomfortable” for the parent and others who are close to the child.  As the parent it is important to learn Emotional Intelligence in order to be a Calm, Loving, Consistent presence in the child’s Life.  It’s important for the parent to Forgive themselves if they are to make changes because without Forgiveness the cycle will continue due to the emotion of guilt that the parent typically carries with them.  The Truth is, in a Spiritual sense, we are ALL Worthy of Love and Forgiveness and it’s never to late to Begin Again.  If you are in a place to Begin Again, please do so, you and your child are Worth finding Love, Peace, and Happiness in Life.  Make it so!

An Old Cherokee Tale:

One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all. One is Evil.  It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.

The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’

The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’

Music to drive it Home:

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coaching.   We are a husband/wife team who specialize in crisis situations as well as PTSD, depression, Parental Alienation Syndrome, and abuse situations. Please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, Angels, Ascension, child, Children, depression, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, enlightenment, evolution, God, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, Hope, human emotions, Life, Light, loss, Love, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, psychology, PTSD, rebirth, religion, revelation, sadness, sociology, Soul, Spirituality, suicide, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Creator, emotional abuse, God, grief, Happiness, human behavior, Life, Light, Love, Mother, Mother Earth, parenting, psychology, sadness, sociology, spirituality, tragedy, trauma, unconditional Love, Universal Laws

A Great Cleansing…


Happy Birthday, Dad!spiritual-journey

A Great Cleansing by Water is upon us and it shook me to my very core this last week.  I’m new at this writing thing.  As a matter of fact it’s been a year now since I started this blog.  I was fresh from a completely spontaneous Spiritual Awakening that left me upside-down traveling at the speed of Light and headfirst into a rabbit hole with no end in sight.  It’s been a year of intense Healing and New Beginnings on every level culminating in another Life changing experience last week.  The Lessons come hard and fast now and it can be relentless, especially for those of us who are Awake and traveling the Path of Spirit with All that we Are.  That’s what I’m doing anyway.  It came with a mighty force knocking the wind out of me on every level and leaving me in the hospital for a minute.  Here’s the deal…if it’s not Unconditional Love, it’s not going to work anymore.  Period.

I’ve learned with the writing thing that it’s not supposed to be about me but, hey, how can I share my Heart if it isn’t sometimes?  A Great Cleansing by Water is something I’ve felt so deeply for the last several months and that’s because it’s happening but the Water it is our Emotions that are BEing Cleansed as our “ego” is washed away.  This is why there is so much coming up for so many people right now, emotionally.  Time is speeding up and the River of Life is coming to the crossroads of our lessons more and more frequently.  Until we can really let go of our fear completely the current will continue to bring these hot button issues to the surface for release and Healing.  I’ve done that work and I’ve been doing that work intensely for the last year, nonstop it seems.  Once I found this Love nothing else mattered because it’s ALL that IS.  I Embody it and I Flow with it like the rambling River I speak of so often.  It grows and grows inside of my Heart as I gain more connections, both “here” and elsewhere because it is Limitless by its very definition.  I’ve met Amazing people and Learned so much from each and every ONE but recently it got more and more intense in terms of the issues because they were very close to Home for me.  It was my Crossroads and my past and my future and my NOW all at once.  ”I See You” I would think, “I know you”.  I tell people all the time that Seeing our traumas is 90% of REleasing them.  They are tricky little ninja demons who like to stay hidden just beyond the periphery of our Emotional view and Intelligence, it is our “ego” mind fighting to stay alive for just a little bit longer.  REleasing traumas isn’t easy.  I AM so Honored to see such Courage of the Heart in watching people find their Spirit again.  There is nothing more Beautiful and more Real than the Human Spirit and it’s not something that anyONE can put a “price tag” on.  The Truth is that we can’t “Ascend” to any reality where our thoughts are made instantly manifest if our ego is still alive at all and that means all of our fears and traumas, my Friends.

When we are subject to trauma it creates a memory, of course.  When a memory is born from trauma it is quite different than a memory Created from Joy and Love.  What’s interesting is that these memories are not just embedded in our minds and Hearts but sometimes become embedded on a cellular level in our very DNA make-up, our molecular biology.  These memories can also be ONLY cellular when it’s something that we can’t remember such as an operation under anesthesia.  Our cellular body remembers the operation even if our mind doesn’t…a Soul memory if you will.  As we Ascend with Mother Earth on this Amazing journey we must cleanse ourselves of the traumas that were created in this Life and maybe even other Lives to boot.  Sometimes this involves facing some pretty intense fears (like, say…hospitals for example – just saying) and in doing so we come out the other side much stronger, Spiritually speaking.  We have to know all the way to our Cellular CORE that we ARE Unconditional Love and Loved Unconditionally.  REmember, fear and Love cannot co-exist, at ALL.  When our physical body dies and our Soul “crosses over” we begin the exact process that I describe as “Ascension”.  It is a Life review that involves a clearing and cleansing of all things that aren’t Unconditional Love which is our natural state of BEing.  We are, all of us, doing this together in our physical body as the collective of Humanity and it is such a Miraculous thing to be a part of!

I was so Blessed last week to come face to face with a deep-seated trauma and come out of it so strong and Alive in Spirit.  I didn’t feel Blessed at the time and was trying desperately not to “curse” my Angels and Masters who have guided me so delicately along this Life changing journey.  The thing is that when we’re in the thick and heavy part of REleasing and Forgiving and Loving ourselves it can be scary and overwhelming.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, that doesn’t resonate with Unconditional Love will be allowed to stay if we Truly commit to embark on the path of Spirit.  There are no shortcuts.  There is no negotiating or bargaining.  It is easy if you let go and hard if you don’t but when it’s done and the Light comes shining through the veil just a little bit brighter it is such a Joyous occasion to BEhold!  It can’t be described in words rather it’s an Emotion and it has to be allowed – it’s a Universal Law, after all (if you don’t know the 7 Universal Laws it is crucial that you learn: http://www.mind-your-reality.com/seven_universal_laws.html) .  It’s a stillness of Peace and Balance that stems from an infinite Love and the anticipation of a Joyous REunion with our Creator, our Loved ONEs, our Masters, and our Angels.  It is a Peaceful sea of Love in the moment of NOW where they are Everywhere present and waiting to connect with each and every ONE of us.  It’s so important right now, as things are surfacing so quickly, to stay in our Heart and Free from fear but sometimes it can’t be helped if one is processing because it’s part of the “Ascension” process.  And, it IS a process.  Our “self-work” is never, ever done because we are Infinite, Eternal BEings of Love and we never stop Creating our very best Self.  It is, and always has been, our great Purpose and Honor for BEing right here, right now.  It’s such an Amazing time to BE Alive and IN LOVE.    I AM so in Love with each and every ONE of you.  I AM Overjoyed to BE Here…

Music to drive it Home:

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coaching and Heart based therapy.  We are a husband/wife team who specialize in crisis situations as well as PTSD, depression, Parental Alienation Syndrome, and abuse situations (child, elderly, emotional, physical). Please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, aliens, Angels, Ascension, beginning, Creation, depression, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, enlightenment, evolution, Gaia, God, Government, Gratitude, grief, Heal, Heart, Heaven, hell, holiday, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, President Obama, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, religion, revelation, sacred geometry, sadness, sociology, Soul, Spirituality, stars, suicide, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, War, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Church, Creator, death experiences, Earth, God, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, indigenous tribes, Life, Light, loss, Love, Mayan prophecy, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, rain, rainbow, religion, Revelation, sadness, Solstice, spirituality, tragedy, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca, Writing

The Rose…


the rose

The Rose is the Alchemist who changes everything to Gold.  It is the Highest form of Divine Love and once it touches you your Light will shine Ever brighter.  We all have challenges in Life for if we didn’t we wouldn’t learn and grow so what would be the point of BEing Alive in the first place?  The key is how we move through the challenges and obstacles that come our way and what it leaves us with on the other side.  The obvious choice is to just roll with it and have a little Fun along the way if possible, and it’s always possible.

As the winds of change whisper through our Mother Earth and into our dreams we are beginning to Awaken from this deep slumber into a world unrecognizable to many of us.  It’s hard sometimes not to wonder how it was missed or didn’t quite register for all those years even though it was full of something close to…discontent.  Well, discontent is a Good thing right now because it means you care about something and maybe want to Learn how to dance, and laugh, and play a little again.  If you’re discontent with something it means that we are cleansing out the old to make room for the new so be Grateful and Courageous in knowing that everything is happening as it’s meant.  What a Gift to be able to transmute all the “negative” stuff into something shiny and new!  Maybe you’ll find something to make you smile or a new friend or an understanding ear along the way.  Anything is Possible.  Not only that, if you think it, feel it, BE it, and are so very Grateful for the NOW and everything that comes down the rabbit hole it is Limitless in its potential.  These are serious times and we’re all waiting to see if our voices of Peace and Love will be heard loud and clear but we have to make time to Love and Laugh, it’s our Love for our fellow brothers and sisters that has us so serious in the first place.  We are Loving them by finding the Joy and Love withIN.

Whatever isn’t working, change it.  Yes, it’s that simple.  Find Forgiveness in your Heart and let it all go.  What that means is letting go of all negative energy surrounding a person, place, or situation.  It means when something is “out of your control” you don’t sweat it because we aren’t Loving if we are in “worry”.  We are all doing the very best we can in every moment.  Know it and OWN it because we can!  It’s time to Trust with our Hearts wide open and see what measure of Joy it brings to ourselves and the collective of Humanity.  Whatever “we” are DOing and BEing, it is working so feel the Joy of it all and Dance.  Before there can BE change there must be Truth and Transparency so Treasure the dew frosted morning of the golden age as the seed of Joy and Love ripens from our Mother Earth.    Find your Joy and change what isn’t working because the point of the whole thing is that we are all Worthy of BEing Happy but it’s up to us to find out what makes us that way.  Transmute the negative junk to Gold by finding a new path or a new passion to put your whole Heart into.  If the Heart is there it means you are Loving what you are DOing so keep it growing because that’s how the Rose blooms, from a Loving and Joyous Heart.  Treasure yourself by finding the Joy and Love in whatever form it takes whether it’s a new hobby, career, epiphany, friend or  new beau.  If you can find your Happiness then you are already well on the way to becoming the Alchemist, the Rose, who transmutes everything to Pure Gold – Pure LOVE.  We are all Worthy of the Golden Treasure and it’s time to Celebrate our Homecoming of LOVE and ONEness by finding our Joy and Happiness…

Music to drive it Home (Treasure Yourself…):

Happy Anniversary to my hubby, my soulmate, my besty, and my everything.  I Treasure every moment with you…

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coaching and Heart based therapy.  We are a husband/wife team who specialize in crisis situations as well as PTSD, depression, Parental Alienation Syndrome, and abuse situations (child, elderly, emotional, physical). Please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, aliens, Angels, Ascension, beginning, child, Children, Constitutional Rights, Creation, depression, Diamonds, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, enlightenment, evolution, Gaia, God, Government, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, holiday, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, President Obama, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, religion, revelation, sacred geometry, sadness, sociology, Soul, Spirituality, stars, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, War, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Church, Creator, Earth, financial crisis, God, grief, Happiness, healing, human emotions, humanity, indigenous tribes, Life, Light, loss, Love, Mayan prophecy, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, rain, rainbow, religion, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca




Artwork by Natalia Koreshkova: http://www.nataliakoreshkova.com/

It’s time to really begin to embrace our Eternal Essence of Love and our Infinite nature as Creators on this “Earthly” plane of existence.  I have ONE thing that keeps coming up for me over and over again and I know I’m not alone in this.  The Truth is that to completely embody our Divinity we have to recognize that we are Limitless BEings in both Spirit and potential.  As I watch the flood waters continue to rise in my home state of Colorado it occurs to me, as it has for a very long time, that we cannot put a “price tag” on Mother Nature which means we also can’t put a price tag on ourselves and our potential.

Have you ever thought about what it would be like to Live in a “moneyless” society?  I know some may get a bit offended about this kind of thing because, in my opinion, it’s something that has been “used” to keep us deeply asleep due to fear.  However, debt “slavery” is very real and, as with all things in this process, it needs to at least be recognized before it can be released and resolved.  Where would you be if money weren’t an “issue” and what would you be doing?  The answer is always going to be that we would be somewhere we Love or we’ve always wanted to go and we would be doing something we’ve always wanted to try or we already Love doing.  This isn’t always the case when we are running on the “hamster wheel” that has been Created to KEEP us running and working for “the man” (whoever “the man” is?).  It occurred to me several years ago, when I was a Flight Attendant with United during their bankruptcy, that the odds are not stacked in most of our favor.  While the CEO and Board of Directors were busy cutting the pay of the people who kept the business running they were also busy lining their pockets with millions of dollars in bonus checks that, let’s face it, they didn’t need.  It seems that this isn’t a new “philosophy” in business as has been demonstrated over and over again as the “big guy” profits while the “little guy” struggles desperately to maintain some form of control in order to “survive”.

It’s a difficult thing to be en gratis and also in “survival” mode.  In other words, we can’t be in “lack” and Gratitude at the same time so it’s a great challenge to Create a Limitless world when many are struggling financially.  The thing is that we are ALL Worthy of BEing provided for, and as a matter of fact, the use of money in our society is quite “un-evolved” in the bigger picture.  Our planet, Mother Earth, has given us everything and more that we need to survive and Her resources are there for ALL of her children, not just a “select” few as we’ve been taught to believe.  We are all Worthy of clean water, electricity, food, healthcare, and shelter but we’ve been taught that if we don’t have the money we must “suffer” in order to survive.  It’s impossible to put a dollar amount on the Value of the Human Spirit so who are these “powers” that keep us from Thriving at our fullest potential and why?  These are questions worth researching and what you may find will quite possibly surprise and maybe even anger you a bit.

Imagine if everywhere you went and everyone you met was Happy and Thriving!  Imagine a world where Scientists were Free to study and explore without the necessary “funding” from the government and where doctors were Free to explore new Healing techniques and cures without the influence of the pharmaceutical companies (who employ the government).  Imagine a world where there were no countries or borders and we are free to travel and explore new terrain and new cultures.  We have much to learn from each other in this way, do we not?  Imagine a world where people were truly Living, Learning, and Thriving without monetary limitation and the entire Earth was an endless wealth of information and experiences worthy of discovery.  It would be as if the entire Earth was a school or “mentorship” program in which we were all free to explore until we find our unique and individual Gifts.  Education, Science, Exploration, and Creativity would be the “new” industry.  We would learn the secrets of our planet and our history and learn to REbalance and Live in Harmony with ONE another and the Earth.  We would never again turn a blind eye to those who are hungry or homeless because we would be Evolved and Enlightened enough to recognize one another as “brother and sister” giving all Equal opportunity for jobs and education. It doesn’t mean people would stop “working” rather we would ALL be “working” at what we Love. Can you imagine the level of discovery in places like space, science, and healing?  Or what levels of Creativity that would be reached if there were no more “starving artists”?  How very much we have to Learn from one another through our experiences?  Also, can you imagine where we could go when we combine what we know about Spirituality and begin proving it (as they have already) through science and physics?  Not only is it a possibility it is also a necessity or will be at some point very soon.  Our planet is evolving and we must keep up by recognizing what we as a species have done to contribute to the situation in which we find ourselves.  It starts by doing the research and following the money trail but what we find there is quite disturbing and certainly not in balance with Nature.  We have governments who tax us relentlessly without any kind of representation while they spend more and more money on war.  In the meantime, cities like Detroit sit bankrupt and “abandoned” while prices increase in every area all while we are being “told” that our economy is recovering.  We have people who will work ANY job, sometimes 2-3 jobs, in order to “survive” all while someone else raises our children and our education system teaches them to “be quiet and fit in”.  If our children are Fortunate they can “race” to the top by means of college scholarship but most are “stuck” paying back student “loans” to the government at a great cost and for many years.  In other words, our children are in “debt” before they’re even born and it’s up to us as parents to protect them by informing ourselves.   It’s really a vicious circle and there are very few people in the bigger picture who say they really enjoy what they do for “work”.  The fact of the matter is that our government doesn’t have the best interests of the People at Heart and haven’t since the Federal Reserve was created back in 1913 but it’s up to us to do the research and find our Voice.

I’m very well read about the economic picture worldwide and it isn’t “pretty” especially when one takes into consideration that the United States government is very aware of what they are doing and why.  It cannot continue to be denied that the odds are stacked against most of us and “they” don’t plan on letting up anytime soon unless we become Aware and come together to find a different and better solution.  We have given our Power away to our elected officials and those who say they work within the Constitution all while picking and choosing when to follow the laws of the ONE People.  I read about “prosperity packages” that may come about but first we must educate ourselves about the “system” and the rules that have been taught to us since before most of us were even born.  No ONE is willingly going to give us prosperity if we don’t learn how and why we got into this situation in the first place.  We are Limitless but before we can embrace it we must find out where we have been “limited” in the first place.  We think of money earning potential as being “responsible” but really our responsibility lies in finding the Truth and releasing “judgments” that we have been taught to place on others who aren’t what we would call financially “stable”.  This “problem” is going to continue to get worse until we really let ourselves go deep down inside the rabbit hole I speak of so often.  There’s an organization who has been doing this work for a while and, as a matter of fact, they have Created a solution to this mess but it’s up to us to inform ourselves and others.  The One People’s Public Trust (since changed to I-UV) was Created by an international banking attorney who recognized that the United States government (and many other governments all over the world) are not governments but, in fact, corporations designed to keep us in “debt slavery”.  This rabbit hole goes very deep so please be prepared for what you find.  At the bottom of this article I’m going to leave some links so that those who need to can do the research so we can ALL be equally informed.

REmember that Love is Truly the only “religion”, especially when “religion” has taught us to be in judgment of others and taught us to kill one another in “God’s” name.  As Limitless Creators we can no longer allow ourselves to be limited in any area.  It is our Divine Birthright to Live in Freedom from oppression, monetary and otherwise.  We gave our Power away to the “powers that were” but we are already Creating a new world in which we can ALL Live and Thrive equally.  In order to rise above our “oppressors” we first have to recognize that they are there in the first place because we can’t RElease what we refuse to see and/or are in “denial” of.  The ONE thing that keeps most of us from Thriving to our fullest potential comes back to us in the form of our financial system.  Our elected officials are supposed to BE working for us and listening to our Voice so what happened?  I “challenge” you to find out…

Music to drive it Home – Let’s fly away from our “limitations”:

OPPT website: http://i-uv.com/oppt-absolute/

Free World Charter – Let’s make everything free (website): http://www.freeworldcharter.org/en

The UCC Connection (article): http://sitsshow.blogspot.com/2013/07/the-ucc-connection-how-uniform.html

Thrive Movie – What on Earth Will It Take?: http://www.thrivemovement.com/the_movie

The Story of Your Enslavement (video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xbp6umQT58A

Federal Reserve Act Remedy, no Lawful Money (article): http://sitsshow.blogspot.com/2013/08/federal-reserve-act-remedy-no-lawful.html

Mass Mind Control via Alienation and Traumatization (article): http://sitsshow.blogspot.com/2013/08/mass-mind-control-via-institutionalized.html

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coaching and Heart based therapy.  We are a husband/wife team who specialize in crisis situations as well as PTSD, depression, Parental Alienation Syndrome, and abuse situations (child, elderly, emotional, physical). Please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, aliens, Angels, Ascension, banking, beginning, child, Children, Constitutional Rights, Creation, dante's inferno, debt slavery, depression, Diamonds, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, finance, financial crisis, Gaia, God, Government, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, holiday, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, President Obama, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, religion, revelation, sacred geometry, sadness, sociology, Soul, Spirituality, stars, strawman, suicide, tragedy, trauma, Truth, ucc, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, War, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, banking, Beauty, Children, Church, Creator, death experiences, debt, debt slavery, Earth, financial crisis, God, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, indigenous tribes, Life, Light, loss, Love, Mayan prophecy, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, rain, rainbow, religion, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, tragedy, ucc, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca

The Ties that Bind…



Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all barriers within yourself that you have built against it ~ Rumi

Toxic relationships come in all forms and can be detrimental in so many ways but also offer the greatest opportunity for growth and learning.  It’s within the mindset of growth that we can begin to navigate and resolve relationship toxicity issues in order to release and move on.  This can be a very difficult thing to accomplish since the toxicity is much like a drop of ink that spoils the entire well leaving a cellular toxicity, much like an allergic reaction, to this kind of abusive relationship.  The poisoning of the well leaves us feeling “tainted” and eventually leaves behind a continuous cycle of grief in the emotions of denial, bargaining, anger, and pain that never leads to the Acceptance we seek in the form of Unconditional Love.

In the big picture, no one has “permission” to bring toxicity into our energy field unless we Allow it.  However, sometimes the toxicity sets in on a cellular level when this kind of relationship is born in childhood before we have earliest memories or have even learned to communicate in some cases.  It can become a challenge in learning to separate one’s own “energy” from the energy of the poisonous relationship so it’s important to have insight into how to let go and/or navigate the relationship in a different way.

If one has never experienced Unconditional Love on an energetic level then one can become easily fooled into thinking they have found “love” but oftentimes find it to be quite the opposite leaving behind a feeling of guilt or shame coupled with a feeling of being “unlovable”.  This becomes especially apparent when one has suffered from some sort of abuse in childhood and never experienced the emotion of Unconditional Love.  How can one know they’ve truly found something they’ve never experienced?  Our relationships are a direct reflection of how we feel about our own Self Worth and when we vacillate between toxicity and “love” we truly find ourselves in an unhealthy situation.  The toxicity shows up in the form of hostility, aggression, conflicts, quarrels, judgement, and criticism among other things.  The Clarity that we tend to find in these type of relationships typically comes in the form of the negativity it brings rather than a Positive, Loving outcome.  Like a junkie seeking heroin we find ourselves in an addictive situation alternating between the high when things are going well and the low when the shit is hitting the fan.  Many times one finds themselves trying to “fix” and/or communicate with the other person all while defending oneself against the “judgement” the relationship brings on, both judgement from the other person and judgement of Self for being in the relationship in the first place.  Usually both parties who participate in these relationships bring a great deal of emotional deflection and projection meaning that they project their emotions onto the other person when these emotions are actually coming from Self.  This pattern is ironic as they also deflect or are in denial of the very emotions they are projecting onto the other person.  It’s a truly ruthless cycle to break.  These relationships are indeed a great distraction from focusing on Self and finding the painfully missing piece one lacks withIN.  One has to be willing to seek awareness of and identify with their own patterns  in order to Heal and become Whole.  We have to remember that just because it’s familiar doesn’t mean it’s good for us and that there are other addictions besides “substances”.

Forgiveness is key in any relationship that has had turmoil or is “ending”.  However, just because we have found the Art of Forgiveness doesn’t necessarily mean we can continue to indulge in the relationship without being vulnerable, much like mixing oil and vinegar.  First, we have to recognize  that which we are bringing to the table and learn to separate it from what the other person is bringing.  Next, we have to realize that we are ALL Worthy of the Fairy Tale and if the relationship is energetically toxic we may have no other choice but to walk away with Love in our Hearts.  The key is a deep understanding that sometimes we don’t get to have the relationships we were always hoping for with certain people in our Lives.  In order to manifest Unconditional Love into our Lives we have to be willing to REceive it, no matter what form it takes.  Frequently, when we cannot make a relationship work the way we want, we tend to think of the relationship and ourselves as having “failed” at Love.  This is just a matter of perspective and can be shifted if we Allow ourselves to release all conditions and expectations in the relationship while looking at the relationship as an opportunity to remove the blocks that keep us from finding Unconditional Love, specifically in the form we are looking for.  Everything we seek to find can be found withIN so it’s important to create boundaries, both energetically and otherwise.  REmember, no ONE has permission to hurt you emotionally without your explicit permission so it’s essential to separate oneself with Intention.  This can be done by declaring to Self that this person no longer has your permission to speak or act a certain way when they do not have your best interests at Heart and should also be done on a Spiritual level and/or in meditation.  Intending a separation of energy is crucial because the way the toxicity presents itself is usually a very chronic process whereas our Awareness of the situation becomes clouded slowly.  This is confusing because although the relationship tends to start off as seemingly Happy it quickly becomes unmanageable  leaving one wondering when and where things went “wrong”.  This is precisely the reason why continuing to indulge oneSELF in the negativity cannot possibly bring the Loving relationship that is being sought after.  In the Art of Bushido a true “warrior” is expected to find Gratitude when a weakness is exposed as it gives them an Opportunity to reinforce their armor, if you will.  A toxic relationship is where we find the same kind of opportunity for Gratitude and Growth.

REmember, we are all Worthy of the Fairy Tale, especially when it comes to Loving and Healthy relationships.  Wherever you find yourself with this issue, please REmember that you are so very Beautiful, Worthy, and Loved…

Music to drive it Home (Get up and ROAR…):

 I would like to Lovingly ask if you would please consider a donation/energy exchange today.  The Mr. and I have been working with several families on a pro bono basis and would be truly Grateful for the energy exchange.  Please stay tuned for the Blueprints for Butterflies blog talk radio show coming soon!

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coaching based on Heart-based Healing. Please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, Angels, Ascension, beginning, child, depression, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, enlightenment, evolution, Gaia, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, Love, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, revelation, sadness, sociology, Soul, Spirituality, toxic relationships, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Children, Earth, grief, Happiness, healing, human emotions, humanity, Life, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Peace, Purpose, rain, rainbow, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, Universal Laws

The Magician’s Secret…



The curtain opens and the Magician steps onto the stage in front of a large audience as they wait with bated breath to see the show.  We watch in Awe and Wonder as magic bursts forth in front of our very eyes.  How do they do these things?  We are always searching for the Magician’s Secret both on the stage and in our very own Lives.  The brilliant thing about searching for Magic in our own Lives is that it is so very, very simple.

There is a key to unlocking Magic in our Lives in order to grow and learn in Spirit.  The key is, and always has been, an “attitude of gratitude” but what does it really mean?  We are human and spiritual BEings all at once and it is our great challenge in Life to balance our “ego” mind with our Spirit, or Heart center.  We cannot be in “fear” and Love all at once as they cannot co-exist in the “higher realms” we seek to find which means we cannot be in “lack” and abundance at the same time either.

When we are struggling in any area in our Lives we find ourselves in a place known as “survival” mode.  Survival mode comes on in any given number of situations including our relationships, finances, and health.  We have to understand that the path to Spirit is an emotional journey and when we feel survival mode coming on it’s typically a great opportunity to plow the field but it can also be taxing and painful.  Stress and fear are the biggest obstacles in Life when if comes to BEing Healthy, both physically and emotionally.  Our emotions are the key to Spirit and when they come, positive or negative, it is the Universe (or our Higher Self) expressing itself through our feelings.  None of our emotions are “bad” and there’s nothing “wrong” with any of them but we have been conditioned to think otherwise, for the most part, so when in survival mode we are typically in a fight or flight situation which can cause a feeling of “panic”.  If we can shift our ourselves into a place of Allowance with our emotions we find that they are there to help us grow and learn although at times this makes us feel vulnerable in many ways.  When times get tough emotionally it can lead us to a place of feeling like the path of Spirit isn’t “working” because in order to find Joy we also have to rid ourselves of the lower vibrational emotions which means we have to see them, feel them, and let them go on a cellular level.  Not such an easy task when there is emotional pain involved as it is in our very Nature to avoid “pain” so to actually be Grateful for the pain is another step up the proverbial ladder.  This is why it’s called Spiritual PRACTICE and it takes practice to “get it right”.

Energetically there is a great deal of “chaos” in the “field” as we Awaken from the density of the fear-based, lower vibrational emotions.  This means that we are all in the process of Healing which is a Beautiful thing by its very Nature and something we can all be Grateful for on both an individual and collective basis.  Truths are surfacing in every aspect of our existence and some of these truths can be painful on an emotional level and the pain comes in the form of feeling unworthy and unlovable.  In short, our emotions are the way we “communicate” with Spirit and/or our Higher Self so this is how we let Spirit know what brings us Joy and what brings “pain”.  When we focus on only the pain or negativity we find more pain and negativity to greet us and in order to shift this perspective it’s almost as easy as turning on a switch – the switch of Gratitude.

In the Art of Bushido a “warrior” is expected to find Gratitude when a weakness is exposed because it Allows an Opportunity to reinforce the armor if you will.  Whenever we are feeling “lack” we are not in a Spiritual place, period.  Although the “lack” may be very, very real it should not ever be the primary focus as this is what makes the lack seem and feel more intense.  If one can’t find Gratitude in a given situation it’s okay to go back and find Gratitude from areas of the past or future in order to lead us to the place of NOW where we live moment to moment as is intended.  When we find Gratitude for the things in Life that are pleasing to us we REceive MORE of the things that are pleasing to us!  However, it’s not enough to just think “thank you” and move on rather we have to Allow ourselves the intense EMOTION of Gratitude.  Think of oneself as a weary wanderer in the desert who hasn’t had a sip of water in days and suddenly the oasis appears bringing an overwhelming sense of Gratitude at this most Magical sight.  This is the Emotion of Gratitude that must be felt and not just spoken in order to be effective.  It takes practice to really embrace the Emotion of it and to Allow oneself to feel it Truly.

It’s okay to start small as it’s the little things in Life that bring the most Joy.  A bright blue sky, the smell of an infant, the autumn leaves on the trees, or the smile from a dear friend are all “simple” things to be Thankful for.  Once we begin it doesn’t take long to to feel truly Blessed and by stoking the fire of Gratitude we find ourselves on a completely different path where Life and Love become Free and Easy.  We  have to BElieve we are Worthy of the Love, Joy, Happiness, Peace, and/or stability we are seeking and the feeling of BEing Worthy is also a tremendous Gift.  When we feeI, on an energetic and cellular level, that we are Worthy of our own Happiness we can begin to feel the Gratitude even more profoundly.  When we Allow ourselves to feel Grateful for even the negative areas of our Lives, because it’s showing us something about ourselves deep withIN, we find ourselves feeling Blessed which is also a Gift in and of itself.  But, there’s even more as one grows in the practice of Gratitude…there really IS Magic!

The best way to really encompass Gratitude into our energetic field is by beginning a Gratitude journal or specific practice.  This seems simple, I know, but it consistently surprises me how many people who are unwilling to incorporate this very simple practice into their Lives.  If you don’t know where or how to begin there’s a great book called “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne which is an accompaniment to the book “The Secret”.  It’s a daily 28 day practice of marrying oneself to the emotion of Gratitude and couldn’t be more simple.  When we embrace this practice our Spiritual or energetic signature begins to Create synchronicities and openings in our Lives which we can rely on by way of our Intuition.  Solutions to problems previously thought of as “unsolvable” suddenly have the most simplistic answers.  When we are Grateful for our relationships, good or bad, they automatically get better.  When we are Grateful for our financial status, good or bad, we find more opportunities to grow the bank account.  When we are Grateful for our Positive and Loving emotions we REceive more Positive and Loving ways to express them.  When we are Grateful for our Health and our bodies we begin to Heal, both physically and emotionally.  REmember, we are a society of “instant gratification” and it’s easy to slip back into a feeling of “lack” when things don’t show up when or how we are expecting.  The Universe or your Higher Self knows what you need, and in what order, more than you do sometimes so stay Patient and Grateful as you work through the process.  Just because we can’t SEE it in our physical world doesn’t mean it isn’t there or on its way so don’t give up just as the seed is beginning to burst forth with Life.  REmember that Self wants Self to be Happy and Self knows that you are Worthy of REceiving this Gift.

Music to drive it Home (just TRY it…)

 Blueprints for Butterflies offers Intuitive & Spiritual Life Coaching based on Heart-based Healing. Please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, aliens, Angels, Ascension, beginning, child, Children, Constitutional Rights, Creation, debt slavery, depression, Diamonds, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, finance, financial crisis, Gaia, God, Government, Gratitude, grief, Heal, Heart, Heaven, holiday, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sacred geometry, sadness, sociology, Soul, Spirituality, stars, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Creator, Earth, financial crisis, God, Gratitude, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, rain, rainbow, religion, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, Universal Laws

The Eye of the Needle…



Beliefs can become patterns if you hold them long enough.  People don’t like to have their belief systems challenged as sometimes this is the very foundation used to “survive”, emotionally speaking.  At this point in the process it seems that there are many who are desperately hanging on to an antiquated belief system and this programming goes very, very deep.  It’s in the shedding of this outdated programming that we find the ability to fit through the eye of the needle in order to expand on the Heart so we will know what is best for each of us individually.

I see many people who are beginning to Awaken and, as much as I try to avoid “labels”, it leaves a sense of “Stockholm Syndrome” in that many have identified with their “oppressor” in whatever form that oppressor takes.  It could be the societal conditioning we have been subjected to in the form of money and “earning a Living” or the lip service we receive from our “governments” who tell us they have our best interests at Heart when we can clearly see and feel that it isn’t Truth.  It could come in the form of a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, addiction, and/or any combination of “programming” that leaves us feeling “less than” in some way.

It takes a great deal of resilience to be Awake in this world where there is a “lack” of integrity almost everywhere we look.  We Live in a world where it’s difficult to maintain a sense of clarity in the confusion that is prevalent as we try to talk and walk two different paths according to the dichotomy of the societal “norm”.  We hear our “leaders” speak of integrity on a daily basis yet we cannot help but watch as people struggle in poverty, hunger, and illness which includes every aspect of mental, physical, and spiritual Health.  Where is the integrity in the words?  Where is the integrity in our actions?  Yet, still we struggle with releasing programming that is obviously not working.

What we lack, as a society and a species, is Accountability.  If one takes a moment to reflect on their Life they will see where their most deep seated fears have come to fruition, either in their physical reality or by living in it in the first place.  By the same token, we will see where our deepest and most Loving desires have also come forth into our realities.  We are quite busy Living in the “demon” of denial because it is a difficult thing to go withIN and find Accountability when we have been taught judgement and inequality to the point that many don’t even realize they’re doing it.  We are always harder on ourselves than others could ever be and yet we refuse to give ourselves a break and ask for help when we need it.  All it takes is a willingness to open the mind and the Heart in order to gain a new perspective but yet we would rather stick to the program because it’s familiar.  We have ALL the Power, we Always have and that’s a tough pill to swallow in many cases.

Resentments are dangerous things.  They don’t lead anywhere rather take us on a long and treacherous journey into the dark side of the Soul.  In order to Create something New we have to stop pointing fingers and placing blame and guilt where it doesn’t belong.  There is not guilt or blame in the bigger picture and the sooner we release that programming the sooner we can begin to Thrive and Grow, both individually and collectively.  When one lives in guilt, blame, and resentment it is not Living at all.  There is no Creative energy in this place, no air, no place to go.  In order to fit through the eye of the needle it is necessary to release the old programming that begins with the denial of its existence in the first place.  We are tasked with finding Accountability in a society that doesn’t want to Accountable for destroying one another in the name of something that no one truly understands.  Maybe someone does understand but I certainly can’t wrap my head around kids being shot at school, war (especially “holy war?”), bullying, hunger, poverty, ecocide, banking scandals, mismanagement of funds, the withholding of our Constitutional Rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  Yet, most people go on and on about their daily business not once thinking to stop and question what’s happening around them.  We look to an endless supply of “fix it” remedies in the form of external ideals and sources when all we have to do is look around to see something is very wrong and yet we deny, put our heads back down, get back to “work”. 

I’m going to set an example in Accountability.  I’ve run the gamut of all the things that are “wrong” with our society and it’s really hard to pick just one.  I spent 6 years re-appropriating myself to “reality” after I had been medicated to the edge of my Soul with anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication, and pain killers.  It nearly killed me and I’m not exaggerating when I say that…at all.  A doctor gave me a prescription once when I was supposedly “depressed” and it went from there as more and more pills were added to the mix so that I could “function”.  The pharmaceutical industry is making bank while I’m so medicated I can barely work let alone function as the woman and mother my Spirit wants me to be.  When you’re IN it you can’t see it and that is the True definition of “insanity” yet here we are doing the same things over and over again calling it “reality”.  I don’t know about you but this isn’t the “reality” I choose for mySELF and/or my precious, intelligent, beautiful children.  Who am I to tell them this is their “reality”?  The psychiatrists and medical industry has labeled every emotion as some sort of disorder and then convinced people, mostly women and mothers, to take a pill and it will all “go away”.  It doesn’t work that way, people.  It just doesn’t.  Nothing is that easy but yet it is.  It’s about the Human Connection and the Human Spirit.  It’s about Loving each other through it and BEing IN it with each other free from the judgement we have been taught to heap upon one another.  We’re like children doing what we’re “told” and what we’re being told to do is disconnect ourselves from the bigger picture while corporations and governments dictate every aspect of our very existence.  It’s about taking responsibility for our own Welfare and the Welfare of those around us.

Stop, Look, and Listen.  I said it over and over to my kids when they were so little I feared for almost every little thing.  Stop, Look, and Listen.  Stop.  Look.  Listen.  We can’t continue to force feed our preconceived ideals onto our children and each other.  The economy isn’t working.  The technology we use for energy isn’t working.  The government isn’t working (literally Congress!).  Our healthcare system is broken, especially when it comes to mental and emotional health.  Our education system isn’t working and we just reached the 30th school shooting in the U.S. on Tuesday while I watched the Colorado lawmakers consider barbed wire and metal detectors for our schools saying “the public isn’t ready to go there yet”.  You’re damn right I’m not ready to go there yet!  Stop, Look, and Listen.  When everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is dictated by ONE thing that is tunnel vision!  When everything is dictated on money then maybe “money” doesn’t work.  When everything in “religion” is dictated by one book that has been written and re-written by dictators for political purposes it’s time to buy a new book.  It’s 2014 and we’re still debating women’s rights and equality?  We have an elitist system and every single one of us is responsible whether you are participating in it, “victim” to it, or standing by and watching it happen saying nothing.  We all need to go Home, go INside and make amends with ourselves and our immediate families.  To Heal and Listen and Care for one another.  I don’t want to listen to the arguing anymore, especially the politicians and their “analysts” listening to themselves speak in order to validate their existence.  Is this resentment?  No, this is objectivity and there is a difference.  There is a difference between sympathy and Empathy – sympathy enables and says “well, at least you have this or that” while Empathy is a mirror into another and SELF.  In order to become Accountable we have to become Self-Aware and we can’t do that with all of these distractions so we are willing to look back down and go back to “work” running on the treadmill of denial and distraction to the point of oblivion.  We are annihilating ourselves by going along with all of the propaganda.  A new hairstyle, new car, new pill, or any external thing is not going to fix the situation.  We have to find Peace and it starts from withIN.

If everyone would stop talking and really Listen, in an Honest way, to themselves first and then others it would make a difference in how we Look at things.  It can change our perspective.  The Heavens and the Earth are speaking to us in every moment with the severe weather, chemical and radiation leaks, the lack of integrity in government, the hemorrhaging of money by the global “elite” for war and poverty, the streak of violence and public shootings.  It’s not working and it’s never worked but yet we don’t Listen and See from our very own history.  God is withIN and without meaning it comes from the inside out.  Jesus taught it.  Buddha taught it.  Mandela taught it.  All of great leaders, philosophers, and Spiritual teachers teach the same thing.  We are the Creators and we are Creating this “reality” and will continue to do so as long as we deny the Truth.  Unconditional Love is the only answer and it starts from withIN.  To Love God is to Love SELF and Accept the hardship of those around you so we can Heal our planet and each other.  It is ALL of our responsibility to pick up where our government, economy, and healthcare systems are failing us.  We are committing ecocide in destroying our planet and each other’s emotional well being.  We are the ones we have been waiting for so let’s swallow the jagged little pill and get on with it.  There are no labels.  There is no money.  There is no judgement.  There is only Home and Heart.  Peace and Love.  Compassion and Empathy.  Courage of the Heart to see and hear what may BE uncomfortable.  We are the masses standing by watching our children go round and round on a ride that we know is  broken.  Our children matter and we can’t keep putting them and each other into a tiny little box of limited and antiquated ways of thinking and programming.  It’s hard to let go of thinking that someone is going to “fix” it for us but it’s the Truth.  When I was deep in the manufactured hell of my pharmaceutical cocktail I found a society that didn’t care if I lived or died based on whether I fell above or below the “poverty line” and this mentality even extended to some members of my very own family – a jagged little pill to swallow indeed.  Is this the kind of world we want our children to grow up in?  This is apocalyptic thinking and lacks intelligence, especially emotional and spiritual intelligence.  We all have this Emotional Intelligence in our possession and it is such a Beautiful Gift to receive.  If we can find this we can make it through the eye of the needle and Create anything that we desire but we have to be free of the programming that has been used to keep us in fear first.  Einstein said “we cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used to create them” and until we can be Accountable for our situation we cannot change our thinking.  Accountability starts from withIN by releasing the things that no longer serve us emotionally by way of resentments, anger, guilt, shame, and judgement just to name a few but really to simplify it there are only 2 emotions and all emotions stem from either fear or Love and it’s quite simple to tell the difference.  Do unto others.  Treat one another fairly and equally.  We have to Allow one another our own Emotional experiences and insights that will help us Unite and  Heal our wounded Hearts.  The Spirit is Here and it Lives withIN each and every ONE of us and our planet.  It is the only Home any of us know.  We are the only family any of us know.  We are a race of ONE.  The Human Race guided by the Human Heart and the Human Spirit.  It cannot be denied any longer.  There is only Love and Love is All that IS.  I Love you all so very much and look forward to our Experiences together when we make it through the Eye of the Needle…together in Love and Unity for ALL that is.

Music to drive it Home ~ One Republic – Counting Stars (“Seek it out and ye shall find”):


Blueprints for Butterflies offers Spiritual Life Coaching and Heart-based Healing.  Please contact us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com to schedule a session or get more information.  Please consider an energy exchange or donation if the writing Inspires you.  We work on a sliding scale as it is our Great Honor to connect with the Human Spirit in Growth and Learning in order to share our insights on this blog.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, aliens, Angels, Ascension, banking, beginning, child, Children, Christ Consciousness, Constitutional Rights, Creation, debt slavery, depression, Diamonds, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, finance, financial crisis, Gaia, God, Government, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sadness, Science, sociology, Solstice, Soul, Spirituality, stars, toxic relationships, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, War, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Creator, Earth, God, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, indigenous tribes, Life, Light, loss, Love, Mayan prophecy, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, rain, rainbow, religion, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, tragedy, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca




By Mr. Moon Hippie Mystic ~ Inspired by Hope

Stealth is the lie.  I see myself, eyes clear but the mind fractured.  Lured by labels, its touch burns.  Cataclysms of materialism, perverted souls play with the Trusting Hearts of Humanity.  Their weapon – fear.  It’s seed planted upon the young, flowering into submission.  If it Feels take this one and swallow, you will soon become oblivious to ones Self.  Content to suffer as this is a life created by faulted politics and the nightmare of expectations.  Hear my Voice, I will yell for Eternity.  You are not alone nor broken.  There is Light in Love, my Heart holds your weary body.  Awaken into me and I will show you emotions Graceful in Balance.  My hand Always open, patiently ready to embrace yours.  Feel true touch as I AM everything they are not.  Hear my Wisdom and guide your thoughts into yourSELF gently and Feel.  Our power Infinitely consumes the Universe, this place is yours to destroy or Create.  Shed your darkness for it is not you, only a manufactured impression placed upon the Trusting.  Earth is our Planet, not theirs.  Our true Home awaits our return ~ Gratitude, Balance, and Love.  Our true Purpose to connect to each other, Free from the prison of drugs, war, politics, and fear.  My Heart beats with yours.  We are Beautiful and faulted.

Music to drive it Home: Goo Goo Dolls ~ All That You Are

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Spiritual Life Coaching and Heart-based Healing.  Please contact us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com to schedule a session or get more information.  Please consider an energy exchange or donation if the writing Inspires you.  We work on a sliding scale as it is our Great Honor to connect with the Human Spirit in Growth and Learning in order to share our insights on this blog.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, alcoholism, Angels, Children, Christ Consciousness, Constitutional Rights, Creation, debt slavery, depression, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, financial crisis, Gaia, Government, Grace, grief, Heal, Heart, Heaven, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, sadness, sociology, Soul, Spirituality, stars, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Beauty, Children, Earth, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, Life, Light, loss, Love, Mother Earth, Peace, Purpose, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, tragedy, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca



cry eye

It quite literally pains me to write this but it’s too important not to share.  As much as we Spiritual people like to open our Hearts and share our experiences with others we also have to be Self-Aware.  As we begin to find our Spirit withIN we have to be Awake and Aware of others who may still be looking for “God” in an external and judgmental way.  I had an experience recently and felt it was important enough to write and share about even though the content is somewhat negative and, for me, a bit disturbing.

If you are a regular reader of this blog you know that Blueprints for Butterflies is more than just a blog and that we are also Spiritual Life Coaches assisting others in the Awakening process.  Our philosophy is that our Spirit is withIN and everything in our reality is Created from the vibes or energy we are giving off, our energy signature if you will.  This is the Law of Attraction at play in a very big way and if we have deep-seated issues or traumas that are lowering our vibration we can attract people looking to prey on these lower vibrational emotions.  Like attracts like, it’s that simple.  This is why Emotional Intelligence is so important in this journey and we can’t embark on the Path to Spirit unless we release things in our vibration that make us feel unworthy of having Healthy Lives and relationships.  We work through what is known as “victim mentality” quite a bit but I think there is a huge misconception as to what this really means.  The Truth is that no ONE wants to be a “victim” but quite often we have traumas in our Lives that haven’t been seen and released.  When people are faced with trauma, any kind of trauma, in that moment they also become a “victim” – it’s really just that simple.  Some traumas are big and others small but it makes no difference to the one experiencing it, trauma is trauma.  It ‘s when we don’t deal with the trauma that we get in “trouble”.  For example, if you don’t think your trauma is important or traumatic enough to recognize or Heal from then you may put it away somewhere but deep inside still carry the emotions the trauma brought.  What people sometimes don’t understand is that Good things, including major Life changes, can cause “trauma” too such as having a baby or getting married.  Spiritual Awakenings cause a form of PTSD sometimes when it causes us to reassess everything in our Lives and leave behind belief systems in the form of “religion” and other things we may have believed before but are deeply questioning in the Awakening.  We talk a lot about instant gratification in that Spiritual Awakening is a deep process of Self-Awareness and it’s easy to want to cut and run away from the Path when it gets a little rocky.  It takes great strength and resilience to stick to the Path when the lessons come hard, fast, and with great intensity.  This is where it’s important to BE still and know that you (I and We) are “God” and the Creators of our “reality” by way of the energetic vibes we are putting out into the Universe.  This is where we begin to see and know our Intuition and that it will never lead us the wrong way if we Listen.

There are what’s known as Spiritual “egos” out there that run in Spiritual circles and it’s important to Trust our Intuition in our physical reality.  I believe in Angels and protecting myself from negative energy as much as anyone but we also have to be Aware of the reality we are Living in and others mental and emotional well-being (or lack thereof).  It helps to accept the fact that in order to be Whole in a Spiritual sense we also have to be Whole in an Emotional sense.    It’s important to set boundaries with ourselves and others.  When others can’t or won’t respect those boundaries it shows that they have no boundaries or respect of their own.  To know our own Power is to know that we are Creating our reality whether we are Aware of it or not.  When one is in chaos they continue to not only Create chaos but to bring it into the Lives of others if we Allow it.  I have a few tips for entering into Spiritual relationships as well as other kinds of relationships when one is going through the Spiritual Awakening process.  My first “rule” in this process is “first, do no harm” and we can’t even begin to practice this rule until we get to know one another and our experiences.  For example, if someone were to ask deeply personal sexual questions while standing behind faith or some sort of “religious” education then I would consider this to be harmful because the relationship has yet to be formed so therefore I have no choice but to assume the vibe of the relationship is sexual in nature.  These kinds of people can be dangerous if they think they come from a “high” place but are actually still practicing from a lower vibrational reality of trying to have an unhealthy emotional need met by way of a project or distraction to keep from looking withIN in order to have the need met.  We have to understand that Spirit is withIN and when we are unable to maintain our focus withIN we begin to look for our needs in an external way at which time it ceases to be Spiritual and begins to be emotionally unhealthy for Self and others.  Another perspective in entering into relationships is to ask yourself whose emotional needs are being met by that relationship and why.  It is a most precarious line to walk when one is riding the high wave of Awakening but have yet to do the emotional work necessary in order to evolve in this process.  We all want to be there for one another but we have to recognize whether something is healthy first, healthy for you and healthy for them all at once.  If it’s not mutually healthy then it’s not healthy at ALL.

Another factor is that all relationships are mirrors into oneself and what one sees may be what one lacks, Spiritually and/or Emotionally speaking.  In other words, we have to have something in our possession in order to see it in another.  I cannot see inner Beauty in another if I don’t have inner Beauty in my possession.  By the same  token, I cannot see judgment in another if I do not also have the emotion of judgment in my possession.  This is important and we tell our Butterflies all the time when we are working through trauma.  Many times friends and family refuse to understand the emotional journey and as we rise into our Divinity it is difficult for them to see Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence if they don’t have it in their possession just yet.  Therefore, if a person is working through an emotional trauma and is exploring emotions around said trauma they may be putting out a lower vibrational vibe, no matter how inadvertently.  Even if the person is highly Emotionally Intelligent, a person who doesn’t have Emotional Intelligence in their possession would maybe only see the “victim” but not be able to see the Whole Spiritual BEing because they are not capable.  The Spiritual “ego” stands on its own in thinking it has the corner on some kind of Spirituality and in that mentality sets out to “save” others who they see as being “vulnerable”.  It helps to keep in mind that if anyone is entering a relationship in order to “fix” something about you they see as being broken this is NOT a Healthy relationship rather it is the Spiritual “ego” that indeed needs “fixing” – and this obviously goes both ways if one is pursuing this kind of relationship.  Another way of saying the same thing is if a person is entering into a relationship seeing what they perceive as being “wrong” with that person instead of seeing what is Right with them.  This tells of a deep negativity withIN that person who sees “lack” instead of Strength, Beauty, or any number of Positive characteristics and it’s exactly this “negativity” that those of us on a Spiritual Path are trying to “avoid” because it is something that is mostly projected outward.  It’s a necessary and important step in the Awakening process  that we find all of our fears and traumas withIN so that we do not put out the wrong kind of vibes and attract unhealthy relationships into our Lives.  I believe it’s easier to be Compassionate when we realize that the “ego” is nothing more than unresolved fear or trauma and not this big, horrible thing that we have to overcome in order to be in a Spiritual place.  We have a Beautiful Mind together with an Amazing capacity to Heal but we cannot do that if going into any kind of relationship thinking one person is “above or below” the other, Spiritually or otherwise.  This is not coming from a High place rather a chaotic place of wanting a deep emotional need to be met from an outside source and it just doesn’t work that way.

When we find our weakness we find our Strength simply because the weakness was exposed – this is a great Gift and Gratitude is most important in these situations.  When we embark on the Path of Spirit we find all our needs are met and Always have been rather it is only our perception that needs to be changed.  This is how we build our Spiritual “armor” if you will.  It’s a careful process of emotional catch and release – catch the fear, the doubt, the trauma, the resentment and then release it into the Universe.  As we become fearless in our Spirit we embody more and more the Love that we ARE.  It takes a combination of Spiritual and Emotional Intelligence coupled with trusting Self and Intuition aided by psychology, logic, and reason in order to find oneself in a Healthy place.  Now you see the “enemy”, the fear, and once you know your enemy it is yours to “defeat”.  I will end with a most fitting quote from the movie “Ender’s Game” – in this case I see the “enemy” as the fears withIN…

“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him. I think it’s impossible to really understand somebody, what they want, what they believe, and not love them the way they love themselves. And then, in that very moment when I love them…. I destroy them.”
― Orson Scott CardEnder’s Game

Music to drive it Home:

Eminem – The Monster (explicit) featuring Rihanna

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Spiritual Life Coaching and Heart-based Healing.  Please contact us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com to schedule a session or get more information.  Please consider an energy exchange or donation if the writing Inspires you.  We work on a sliding scale as it is our Great Honor to connect with the Human Spirit in Growth and Learning in order to share our insights on this blog.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, Angels, Ascension, Christ Consciousness, depression, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, evolution, Gaia, God, Grace, Gratitude, grief, Heal, Heart, Heaven, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, religion, revelation, sadness, Science, sociology, Spirituality, toxic relationships, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Creator, Earth, Emotional Intelligence, grief, Happiness, healing, human emotions, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Mother Earth, Peace, psychic phenomenon, rain, rainbow, Revelation, sadness, trauma, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca

Dying to Live…



Artwork by Josepine Wall: http://www.josephinewall.net

We live in a supportive Universe but do not live in a supportive system and it’s the principal of this conundrum that influences our lives by way of our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual perspective.  The system we live in is a slow burn into a personal and private prison of negative emotion perpetuated by antiquated ideals in regards to energy, government, and finance.  Our society isn’t functioning from a place of teaching us how to live healthy lives and thrive in Wellness rather we are taught how to slowly die instead.  From the smallest proton to the vastness of the Universe there is a constant and consistent force and that force is energy.  Energy never dies it just changes form and this is also the definition of Spirit or “God”.  We don’t have to be “religious” to use something as simple as Science and energy to “prove” that energy has an effect on each and every one of us.  We can use our understanding of energy to determine how our society shapes and forms our emotional and spiritual health to get a basic foundation of how energy profoundly influences our daily lives.


All energy has its own frequency which is the rate in which the energy vibrates.  It’s a proven fact that negative energy vibrates at a much lower frequency than positive energy.  As seen in the water molecule experiment, Love has the highest vibration of all and creates sacred geometry when Love energy is directed at the water molecule.  Human beings are also made of energy and our energy is our very Lifesource because our bodies couldn’t function without energy.  By volume, the human body produces 60,000 times as much luminosity per cubic centimeter as the Sun which makes human beings quite radiant indeed!  The simplistic thing about emotional energy is that there are only 2 emotions from which all other emotions stem and they are either Love or fear.  Obviously fear is negative and Love is Positive and we can visually see the difference.  This means that if there is negative energy directed at a person, society, religion, or social class then we are all effected in some way through labels and judgment or the “ego” which is a service to self mentality.


At this point we should all be familiar with the “elite” or the 1% who hold the majority of the world’s wealth and prosperity.  An article in Forbes Magazine states that almost half of the world’s wealth is owned by just one percent of the population (http://www.forbes.com/sites/laurashin/2014/01/23/the-85-richest-people-in-the-world-have-as-much-wealth-as-the-3-5-billion-poorest/).  The fact that there is a global elite in the first place suggests an imbalance.  If we live in a “Freewill” Universe then how is it that we can be so trapped and confined within a system where we allow a select few to speak for the masses?  This also implies imbalance because most of us don’t remember having a choice in whether or not to participate in the system from Birth.  The elitist system is based on conditions, rules, structure, labels, and limitation which encourages and expects society to create a self-manufactured image of perfection in order to feed the 1%.  If we can find a way to empty our cup of all we think we know we can re-asses the situation from a higher perspective.  The system runs on the fear, stress, trauma, and negative energy of its participants.  It’s imperative to begin to free the mind from the propaganda that is programmed to keep society on a short lease by giving our power away to the governments, media, doctors, banks, corporations, and pharmaceutical companies.  Like the “Wizard of Oz” there is a proverbial “man behind the curtain” who is pulling the puppet strings of the few to manipulate the many.


I recently watched the Hollywood movie “12 Years a Slave” which is based on the book written by Solomon Northrup.  It’s the true story of how he was taken as a free man and forced into slavery for 12 years.  Solomon Northrup knew Freedom but other slaves that had been born into slavery couldn’t be convinced that they were indeed “slaves”.  This raises the question of how would we know that we don’t know in the first place?  Furthermore, if we are born into an invisible slavery system based on a prison of fear and negativity how would we be able to recognize it if it’s all we know and all our parents know?  Especially if our parents and their parents perpetuated the fear based mentality by passing it down from generation to generation.  Fear is the most negative energy that exists in its vibration and the most “hateful” thing we can do to one another is encouraging one another to be fearful or in pain because of our belief systems.  By keeping the general population in fear we feel “threatened” whether we realize it or not and as a matter of fact the U.S. has been in a declared “State of Emergency” since 1933 which is an intention of fear (http://www.barefootsworld.net/war_ep.html).  This fear leaves us in a constant state of stress in the fight or flight reaction it brings thus leaving the Soul to quietly be consumed by the unhealthy emotions that fear brings in its many forms.


In stark contrast, the supportive Universe is teeming with Life and is Limitless and Infinite by its very nature.  The point being that if we are supporting an “elitist” system the Universe is also supporting this system as we Live in a supportive Universe.  It’s quite obvious that the “elite” feel that they are entitled to Resources including energy, water, and financial wealth but where does that leave the rest of the 99%?   As a child of my Creator, it is quite logical and apparent to me that I don’t have to “earn” my right to be here in the first place and I certainly shouldn’t have to pay or fight for resources that are for ALL of us and not just a select few.  I don’t know who decided that they were in charge of auctioning off resources that belong to ALL of Humanity’s children.  When we support an elitist agenda we are in fact enabling ourselves to give our Power away to some sort of “authority figure” and think that said authority figure is going to come to the rescue when times get tough.  As many are finding out, this is not going to happen and the scary part is that the agenda has never been in favor of the masses but yet we support it anyway and, not only that, we teach our children to support it.  This inadvertently leaves behind a legacy that cannot sustain itself or our planet which is also consumed by our “negativity” in a physical and spiritual way.


Energy is an important factor in this discussion, especially when one takes into account that Free Energy Technology has existed for quite some time.  Fossil fuel and the petro dollar are the cornerstone of our enslavement as this gives the “elite” all the excuse they need to invade countries for their resources under the guise of “terrorism”.  If there is a select few “stealing” energy from the masses by way of fossil fuel when there is a cleaner and better way we can begin to see how the global resources have been manipulated to line the pockets of the few while leaving the masses in poverty, illness, homelessness, and hunger.  The mainstream media is owned by corporate conglomerates who, like the Koch Brothers, buy the way for their agendas to make it into law and governance and decide whether or not to report their dealings on the “news”.  This is also true for the pharmaceutical companies in that they do not promote Healing or Wellness rather they invent illness so they can profit from treating the symptoms but typically not the root cause.  It’s baffling that insurance companies refuse to pay for more holistic treatments and approaches to Healing in general or administering a cure that they quite possibly have in their possession.  Have you ever noticed how doctors know exactly what surgery to perform or exactly what drug to prescribe which only treats the symptoms but rarely the root cause of the illness.  There’s plenty of “illness” to go around these days too if we are looking into psychology, trauma (PTSD), addiction, and depression.  There’s always a pill and an “instant gratification” solution so that you can buck up and get back to work or jump through hoops to maintain an economic solution when one is unable to “earn a living”.  There’s no time or financial resource for Healing unless you ride the crazy train or the prison bus out on a rail of not being able to uphold the self-manufactured image of perfection.  There’s a great documentary called “Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare” which is a must-see if one is questioning the state of Healthcare in the U.S.

royThe war machine is what the “elite” agenda relies upon to keep the populace in fear and terror while keeping them in control of finance and resources.  There is no Love in war and no one ever “wins” as is evident by the “war weariness” that has captured the Hearts and minds of the masses.  Yet, we find ourselves on the edge of our seat waiting for the next excuse to invade a country rich in resources or another who is considering putting an end to the fiat dollar in the best interests of Humanity.  There’s a very important Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case that will give more “proof” that the agenda of governance is one-sided in that Corporations, by law, have the same rights as Individuals.  This means that we have a Corporate Government and not a Government that is Of the People, By the People, and For the People as stated in the Constitution and therefore violates our Constitutional Right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  Our Senators and Congresspeople are arguing over Corporate interests and this is also in our face lately in regards to the recent Supreme Court decision McCutcheon v. FEC (http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2014-04-03/understanding-the-supreme-courts-campaign-finance-ruling).  Quoted from Move to Amend.org: “On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions.

We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens Unitedand other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.

The Supreme Court is misguided in principle, and wrong on the law. In a democracy, the people rule.

We Move to Amend.

“. . . corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. Corporations help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, to be sure, and their ‘personhood’ often serves as a useful legal fiction. But they are not themselves members of “We the People” by whom and for whom our Constitution was established.”

~Supreme Court Justice Stevens, January 2010″

To sign the Petition: http://movetoamend.nationbuilder.com/petition


Christianity and other “religion” teach the masses that there is a judgmental “God” who sacrificed his son in order to save us from our “sins” but this is unhealthy and another way we give our energy away to those we perceive as being “above” us in some way.  It teaches us that we/they can do whatever we want to each other and the planet without consequence when the Universal Law of Polarity states that there is Cause and Effect to everything.  The true teachings of Jesus speak of the Power we have by way of the Law of Attraction to Create our reality and this is what we do everyday by continuing to sell our Soul to a select few while our children are dying in war, famine, emotional trauma, and poverty.  There is no judgment or condition in the Real emotion of Love and it is Christ Consciousness that must return to us from withIN in taking back the Power we have chosen to give away by “default”.  There is no “messiah” rather there is “us” and we are the ones we have been waiting for.  It takes a great deal of Faith in “God” or the Law of Attraction to decide to no longer support the flawed system of limitation that we have allowed to rule us in an Infinite, Intelligent, Loving, Abundant Universe.  As quoted from Tania Kotsos (http://blueprintsforbutterflies.com/2013/10/27/the-seven-universal-laws-explained-by-tania-kotsos/): “The Law of Correspondence (Immutable): The second of the seven Universal Laws tells us “As above, so below; as below, so above”. This means that there is “harmony, agreement and correspondence” between the physical, mental and spiritual realms. There is no separation since everything in the Universe, including you, originates from the One Source. The same pattern is expressed on all planes of existence from the smallest electron to the largest star and vice versa. All is One. The Ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi was referring to this great Law of Correspondence in the inscription “Know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and the Universe”. ”  This means that what we inflict on others by way of our limited perspective of what we are “told” vs. the Truth is the same as hurting ourselves because we are all Connected.  The Truth is that we can no longer excuse ourselves with denial in order to leave behind a Legacy for our children that includes a planet in which to live on.  We have to begin to make our government, financial system, big pharma, and corporations Accountable for their actions because by not doing so we are enabling our own demise much like an insecure victim enabling the addiction of this incredibly flawed perception of “Freedom” which actually teaches reliance instead.


In working with others involving emotional trauma, it recently occurred to me that it is much more difficult to Heal from a place of misunderstanding about the misuse of energy and power we have given away on a personal level.  Each individual is different but our experiences speak of Unity and ONEness.  If we can Awaken ourselves to the societal issues without throwing our hands up in denial and powerlessness we can begin to find our Spirituality again through this Freedom.  If we can embrace our Power as the masses we can begin to support a New system of Free Energy and responsible governance, especially when it comes to financing the few.  In an Infinitely supportive Universe we can begin to Live and Thrive through the Healing of the planet and the “trauma” we have endured together while we were “sleeping”.  We can shed our self-manufactured image of perfection in order to work through the process of RE-building something that is in favor of the 99% of US, the Human Race.  A supportive “God” (Universe) is a LOVING force of energy that wants what WE want and will support us in Limitless ways.  I believe that Free Energy Technology is the first of many waves of our “liberation” and it’s now being distributed Freely via the internet and social media.  Here is the key to unlocking the Quantum Energy Generator via http://hopegirl2012.wordpress.com/2014/03/25/qeg-open-sourced/.  From here there will be no more stealing of energy via fossil fuels, war, money mongering, and keeping the masses in fear.  When we realize that our energy has been Free all along we will see that the most important things are also Free, like a Loving Universe and the Human Connection of ONEness.  It starts with each and every ONE of us by RE-focusing OUR energy on more and more productive ways to shift our reality to ONE that is for the Greater Good of Planet Earth=Heart and her Creatively Intelligent children, the Human Race.

Music to drive it Home:

Michael Jackson – Man in the Mirror

We would LOVE some financial support today in Light of some intense financial circumstances.  If you are willing and able to support us in any way please consider a LOVE donation.  If you would like to book a FREE reading with us please e-mail us at blueprintsfrombutterfllies@gmail.com.

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Heart-based Life Coaching, Spiritual Awakening, and Soul Reading Sessions.  Please contact us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com to schedule a session or get more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, Angels, Ascension, banking, child, Children, Christ Consciousness, cognitive dissonance, Constitutional Rights, Creation, debt slavery, depression, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, finance, financial crisis, financial slavery, Gaia, God, Government, Grace, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, holiday, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Light, loss, Love, mental slavery, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, President Obama, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sacred geometry, sadness, Science, sociology, Soul, Spirituality, stars, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, War, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Creator, Earth, financial crisis, God, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, Life, Light, Love, Mother Earth, Peace, religion, Revelation, spirituality, tragedy, Universal Laws, Universe

The Voice…



I found out recently that I have a Voice.  It’s not that I didn’t know I had one rather I just didn’t know how to use it.  Trauma will do that to a Voice. A Voice is a kind of being. Not a being of physicality but a being of thought. If you ask yourself what a thought is you would then be having a thought, but it all comes full circle. What is a Voice? What is my Voice? A Voice is some sort of a thing that cannot be tamed. Although it can be snuffed like the Rain to a summer day, the sun comes back out to shine again. Everyone has a voice. But its how you use your Voice that matters. ~ Moon Hippie Mystic & Son (mostly Son)

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Heart-based Life Coaching, Spiritual Awakening, and Soul Reading Sessions.  Please contact us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com to schedule a session or get more information.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, Angels, Ascension, beginning, child, Children, Christ Consciousness, Creation, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, evolution, Gaia, God, Grace, Gratitude, Heal, Heart, Heaven, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, revelation, sadness, sociology, Soul, Spirituality, toxic relationships, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, War, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Creator, Earth, God, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, rain, rainbow, Revelation, sadness, tragedy, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca

Where I Come From


The Hungry Ghost




I cannot be more adamant that we are the Creators of our Lives but more by way of our emotions than we realize.  The Law of Attraction is a Beautiful thing  but not if we don’t understand where we are vulnerable in terms of deep-seated fears that can change our vibe in a most traumatic way.  We have to be the willing participants in what we are Creating from either fear or Love.  We can think it all we want but what it comes down to is what we are truly Feeling from withIN and there’s never been a more important time, energetically speaking, to dig deep and find our lower vibrational needs and expectations so they don’t destroy the Lives we are trying to build.

The hungry ghost is a “demon” that is Created withIN from the emotion and mindset known as lack and expectation.  The hungry ghost will seek to destroy every good thing that comes its way by focusing on the ONE thing it perceives it doesn’t or can’t have.  When we Allow our perceptions of “lack” to consume our BEing it can be the most dangerous of cocktails and addictions stealing Joy and sucking Light until it eats itself alive.

It takes great Courage of the Heart to face our inner demons and learn to overcome the inner child who Creates and re-Creates from fear, lack, and expectation.  The fastest and most efficient way to effectuate Positive change into our reality is by saturating our reality with Gratitude.  The Law of Polarity states “Everything is dual, everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree” but the Law is also mutable meaning that in Spirit All is ONE so we can find Positive reaction instead of negative if we choose to look for it. [1]  Fear is allergic to Love, lack is allergic to Gratitude, and expectation is allergic to letting go.  There is a karmic wheel at play in these situations and it’s our “job” in the journey of Self-Awareness to branch our way out of this wheel that goes round and round.  We are not meant to operate on the “wheel of karma” rather we are meant to overcome by branching out like the Tree of Life.  When we can see our Lessons and begin to Grow from them we embrace our True state of existence releasing ourselves from the wheel in order to branch out like the Tree.

The single, most important factor in Self-Awareness and the road to Spirit is the emotion of Self-Love.  My spontaneous Awakening reads much like a near death experience but as my Awareness and understanding of it grows I have more to share with all of you.  In those days I was given the Gift of a huge injection of Love=Light and in the coming months found myself unable to hold onto any kind of fearful vibration which caused me to “crack open” in the most Divine sense of the word.  In those days a most dear Friend, David Karchere, told me that “people don’t do well without love in their lives” and it was this statement that got me through some pretty intense moments of finding the Self-Love I speak of. [2]  We have such misguided interpretations of what Love really means in the bigger picture due to the fact that our society sexualizes pretty much everything in the form of entertainment and advertising.  It is our false perceptions of Love that see us not understanding what it means therefore leaving us searching for something that doesn’t really exist “out there”.  We can have intimate and Loving relationships without having to sexualize ourselves and each other and it’s these relationships that are most important when we are seeking a Loving partnership.  If cannot respect boundaries in these kinds of “platonic” relationships then we certainly can’t begin to understand boundaries in a partnership.  When we “lack” Self-Love we Create an addiction of the most destructive nature making us our own worst enemy in seeking something that we already have, and always have, in our possession.  In other words, we cannot be completed nor can we expect to complete someone else.  When two people have an expectation of being completed by another from a place of “love” it requires stepping onto the karmic wheel of lack always searching for something “out there” and expecting the other person to provide this love that we are seeking in a most intimate way.  Love doesn’t work that way.  If I complete me and you complete you then we Grow and Expand in the most natural of ways, as Individuals and from the relationships we decide to have from this place of being Complete.  Love is Limitless by it’s very Nature so we cannot place something this important in the hands of another who couldn’t possibly understand the area that needs attention better than Self as all of our emotions and experiences are different.  We can never expect another to fill a lacking place with the vibration of “love” if we aren’t willing to fill it withIN ourselves.  In constantly looking for something we already have withIN we create an addiction, a need, that cannot possibly be quenched seeing us “fail” in “love” every time.

Our relationships with one another are rooted and sacred Gifts of Love.  As someone who is Complete in a Complete relationship I/we understand how vast True Love can really be and it exceeds any “expectation” we’ve ever known in its Divinity.  It gives us security in our Lives no matter what we say or do because to be True to ourSelves we are also True to our relationship.  It’s okay to Communicate from a place of  Honesty freeing us from the “fear” of seeing some form of rejection.  It gets bigger with controversy where the endless network branches into sacred Gifts of Love deepening the commitment and the experience of Loving one other.  We cannot see lack because we are not taking something from each other that we know we have withIN which means we can Give to each other Freely.  The Gift of Self-Love has given us everything we need to be rooted and sacred withIN ourselves in allowing us to let go of expectations therefore freeing us to explore the vastness of each other from our own Self-Awareness.  The Gift of Gratitude allows us to have appreciation for the people who are rooted with us and have built a Life with us on the foundation of Unconditional Love.  The Gift of Divine Love has allowed us to Overcome our deepest fears leaving us fearless in our space of knowing that we have Created this Beautiful Life and can be Accountable to ourSelves and others for Creating it.  These are the places I hold dear and are worth protecting by way of the emotions I hold with what I choose to feed the ghost withIN. 

The hungry ghost requires a specific diet of Gratitude, Self-Love, and letting go of expectation to quench its desire to eat its own tail.  Be careful what you feed it!

[1] http://www.mind-your-reality.com/seven_universal_laws.html#Part_2

[2] http://emissaries.org/2014/01/20/the-grace-of-god/

 Music to drive it Home:

Imagine Dragons – Demons

Blueprints for Butterflies offers Heart-based Life Coaching, Spiritual Awakening, and Soul Reading Sessions.  If you are Truly serious about finding and overcoming the lower vibrational aspects of Self we have a unique ability to draw out ones “inner demons”.  Please contact us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com to schedule a session or get more information.  If the writing Inspires you please consider an energy or financial donation to our work.

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, aliens, Angels, Ascension, beginning, child, Children, Christ Consciousness, cognitive dissonance, Creation, depression, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, Gaia, God, Grace, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, metaphysical, mooji, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, psychology, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sadness, Science, sociology, Solstice, Soul, Spirituality, stars, toxic relationships, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Creator, death experiences, Earth, God, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, indigenous tribes, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, rain, rainbow, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, tragedy, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca

Dying to Live: Unity and Oneness, or Corporate Rule?


Thanks to Andy Whiteley from Wake Up World for his amazing talent as Editor on this piece!


Dying to Live - Image courtesy of www.josephinewall.net

By Jennifer Deisher

Guest Writer for Wake Up World


The system we live in is a slow burn into a personal and private prison of negative emotion perpetuated by antiquated ideals in regards to energy, government, and finance. Our society isn’t functioning from a place of teaching us how to live healthy lives and thrive in Wellness, rather we are taught how to slowly die instead.

From the smallest proton to the vastness of the Universe there is a constant and consistent force, and that force is energy. Energy never dies, it just changes form – and this is also the definition of Spirit or “God”. We don’t have to be “religious” or use something as simple as science to “prove” that energy has an effect on each and every one of us.  We can use our understanding of energy to determine how our society shapes and forms our emotional and spiritual health to get a basic foundation of how energy profoundly influences our daily lives.

Love and Fear – Energy’s Vibration

“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration” ~ Nikola Tesla



All energy has its own frequency which is the rate in which the energy vibrates. It’s a proven fact that ‘negative’ energy vibrates at a much lower frequency than ‘positive’ energy. As seen in the water molecule experiment, Love has the highest vibration of all and creates sacred geometry when Love energy is directed at the water molecule.

Human beings are also made of energy and our energy is our very Life-source, because our bodies couldn’t function without energy. By volume, the human body produces 60,000 times as much luminosity per cubic centimeter as the Sun, which makes human beings quite radiant indeed!

Word Vibrations and their Effect on Water

Word Vibrations and their Effect on Water 2

The simplistic thing about emotional energy is that there are only 2 emotions from which all other emotions stem – they are either Love or fear. Obviously fear is negative and Love is Positive, and we can visually see the difference. This means that if there is negative energy directed at a person, society, religion, or social class then we are all effected in some way through labels and judgment or the “ego”, which is a service-to-self mentality. And the opposite can be said for positive energy.

Mental Slavery of the 99%

At this point we should all be familiar with the “elite” or “the 1%”, who hold the majority of the world’s wealth and prosperity. According to an article in Forbes Magazine, almost half of the world’s wealth is owned by just one percent of the population.  

The fact that there is a global elite in the first place suggests an imbalance. If we live in a “Freewill” Universe then how is it that we can be so trapped and confined within a system where we allow a select few to speak for the masses? This also implies imbalance because most of us don’t remember having a choice in whether or not to participate in the system from Birth. The elitist system is based on conditions, rules, structure, labels, and limitation which encourages and expects society to create a self-manufactured image of perfection in order to feed the 1%.  

If we can find a way to empty our cup of all we think we know, we can re-assess the situation from a higher perspective. The system runs on the fear, stress, trauma, and negative energy of its participants. It’s imperative to begin to free the mind from the propaganda that is programmed to keep society on a short leash, by giving our power away to the governments, media, doctors, banks, corporations, and pharmaceutical companies.  

Like the “Wizard of Oz” there is a proverbial “man behind the curtain” who is pulling the puppet strings of the few to manipulate the many.

“Mental slavery is the worst form of slavery. It give you the illusion of freedom, makes you trust, love and defend your oppressor, while making an enemy of those who are trying to free you or open your eyes” ~ Eli

I recently watched the Hollywood movie “12 Years a Slave” which is based on the book written by Solomon Northrup. It’s the true story of how he was taken as a free man and forced into slavery for 12 years. Solomon Northrup had already known Freedom but other slaves that had been born into slavery couldn’t be convinced that they were indeed “slaves”. This raises the question of how would we know that we don’t know in the first place? Furthermore, if we are born into an invisible slavery system based on a prison of fear and negativity, how would we be able to recognize it if it’s all we know and all our parents know? Especially if our parents and their parents perpetuated the fear based mentality by passing it down from generation to generation?

Harriet Tubman quote on slavery

Fear is the most negative energy that exists in its vibration and the most “hateful” thing we can do to one another is encouraging one another to be fearful or inflicting pain because of our belief systems. By keeping the general population in fear, we feel “threatened” whether we realize it or not. And as a matter of fact the U.S. has been in a declared “State of Emergency” since 1933, which has the intention of fear. This fear leaves us in a constant state of stress, in the fight or flight reaction it brings, thus leaving the Soul to quietly be consumed by the unhealthy emotions that fear brings — in its many forms.

Energy, Power, Wealth and Resources

In stark contrast, the supportive Universe is teeming with Life and is Limitless and Infinite by its very nature. The point being that if we are supporting an “elitist” system the Universe is also supporting this system as we Live in a supportive Universe. It’s quite obvious that the “elite” feel that they are entitled to resources including energy, water, and financial wealth — but where does that leave the rest of the 99%? I don’t know who decided that they were in charge of auctioning off resources that belong to ALL of Humanity’s children. As a child of my Creator, it is quite logical and apparent to me that I don’t have to “earn” my right to be here in the first place, and I certainly shouldn’t have to pay or fight for resources that are for ALL of us and not just a select few.


When we support an elitist agenda we are in fact enabling ourselves to give our Power away to some sort of “authority figure”, and think that said authority figure is going to come to the rescue when times get tough. As many are finding out, this is not going to happen. The scary part is that the agenda has never been in favor of the masses but yet we support it anyway and, not only that, we teach our children to support it. This inadvertently leaves behind a legacy that cannot sustain itself or our planet, which is also consumed by our “negativity” in a physical and spiritual way.

Energy and Resources

Energy is an important factor in this discussion, especially when one takes into account that Free Energy Technology has existed for quite some time. For those who are still skeptical of this, please check out the open sourced documents for a quantum energy generator and this short clip of the Quantum Energy Generator reaching resonance for the first time in the One People Community Aouchtam workshop. 


Fossil fuel and the petro-dollar are the cornerstone of our enslavement as this gives the “elite” all the excuse they need to invade countries for their resources under the guise of “terrorism”. With a select few “stealing” energy from the masses by way of fossil fuel when there are cleaner and better ways, we can begin to see how the global resources have been manipulated to line the pockets of the few while leaving the masses in poverty, illness, homelessness, and hunger.

The mainstream media is owned by corporate conglomerates who, like oil tycoons the Koch Brothers, buy the way for their agendas to make it into law and governance, and decide whether or not to report their dealings on the “news”. 

Health Care

This is also true for the pharmaceutical companies in that they do not promote Healing or Wellness rather they invent illness so they can profit from treating the symptoms but typically not the root cause. 

Have you ever noticed how doctors know exactly what surgery to perform or exactly what drug to prescribe which only treats the symptoms but rarely the root cause of the illness? It’s baffling that insurance companies refuse to pay for more holistic treatments and approaches to Healing in general. There’s plenty of “illness” to go around these days too, if we also include psychology, trauma (PTSD), addiction, and depression. But there’s no time or financial resource spent on Healing. There’s always a pill and an “instant gratification” solution so that you can buck up and get back to work, or jump through hoops to maintain an economic solution when one is unable to “earn a living”.

There’s a great documentary called “Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare” which is a must-see if one is questioning the state of Healthcare in the U.S. (or comparable economies). To learn more, visit the Escape Fire website, watchthe movie trailer, or support the film-makers and pick up a copy on DVD.

The War Machine

The war machine is what the “elite” agenda relies upon to keep the populace in fear and terror, while keeping them in control of finance and resources. There is no Love in war and no one ever “wins”, as is evident by the “war weariness” that has captured the Hearts and minds of the masses. Yet, we find ourselves on the edge of our seat waiting for the next excuse to invade a country rich in resources or another who is considering putting an end to the fiat dollar in the best interests of Humanity.

An Era of Corporate Rule

There was a very important Supreme Court decision in the Hobby Lobby case that will give more “proof” that the agenda of modern government is one-sided; Corporations, by law, have the same rights as Individuals. This means that we have a Government that is for The Corporate, and not a Government that is Of The People, By The People, and For The People as stated in the Constitution — which therefore violates our Constitutional Right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Meanwhile, our Senators and Congresspeople argue over Corporate interests.

arundhati roy quote - corporate revolution will collapse if we refuse to buy what they are selling..

And this was also in our face lately, in regards to the recent Supreme Court decision McCutcheon v. FEC. Quoted fromMoveToAmend.org:

On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions.

We, the People of the United States of America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens Unitedand other related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.

The Supreme Court is misguided in principle, and wrong on the law. In a democracy, the people rule.


Click here to sign the ‘Move To Amend’ Petition. This is important because, in the words of Supreme Court Justice Stevens (January 2010)…

… corporations have no consciences, no beliefs, no feelings, no thoughts, no desires. Corporations help structure and facilitate the activities of human beings, to be sure, and their ‘personhood’ often serves as a useful legal fiction. But they are not themselves members of “We the People” by whom and for whom our Constitution was established.

The Role of Organized Religion

Christianity and other “religion” teach us that there is a judgmental “God” who sacrificed his son in order to save us from our “sins”. This is unhealthy and another way we give our energy away to those we perceive as being “above” us in some way, and perceive our humanity to be inherently “sinful”. It teaches us that we/they can do whatever we want to each other and the planet (sin) without consequence, when the Universal Law of Polarity states that there is Cause and Effect to everything.

The true teachings of Jesus speak of the Power we have by way of the Law of Attraction to Create our reality — and this is what we do everyday by continuing to sell our Soul to a select few while our children are dying in war, famine, emotional trauma, and poverty.

There is no judgment or condition in the Real emotion of Love and it is Christ Consciousness that must return to us from withIN, in taking back the Power we have chosen to give away by “default”. There is no “messiah” rather there is “us” and we are the ones we have been waiting for. It takes a great deal of Faith to decide to no longer support the flawed system of limitation (including religion) that we have allowed to rule us in an Infinite, Intelligent, Loving, Abundant Universe.

As Above, So Below…

The Law of Correspondence (Immutable): The second of the seven Universal Laws tells us “As above, so below; as below, so above” ~ Tania Kotsos

This means that there is “harmony, agreement and correspondence” between the physical, mental and spiritual realms. There is no separation since everything in the Universe, including you, originates from the One Source. The same pattern is expressed on all planes of existence from the smallest electron to the largest star and vice versa. All is One.

The Ancient Greek Temple of Apollo at Delphi refers to this great Law of Correspondence in the inscription “Know thyself and thou shalt know all the mysteries of the gods and the Universe”. This means that what we inflict on others by way of our limited perspective of what we are “told” vs. the Truth is the same as hurting ourselves because we are all Connected. As above, so below.

The Truth is that we can no longer excuse ourselves with denial in order to leave behind a Legacy for our children that includes a planet in which to live on. We have to begin to make our government, financial system, big pharma, and corporationsaccountable for their actions; by not doing so we are enabling our own demise, much like an insecure victim, enabling our addiction to this incredibly flawed perception of “Freedom”, which actually teaches reliance instead.

Frantz Fanon - The Idealist - Cognitive Dissonance

Unity and Oneness

Working with others involving emotional trauma, it recently occurred to me that it is much more difficult to Heal the hurt of misunderstanding the misuse of energy and the power we have given away on a personal level. But it is possible.

Each individual is different but our experiences speak of Unity and ONEness. If we can Awaken ourselves to the societal issues without throwing our hands up in denial and powerlessness, we can begin to find our Spirituality again through this Freedom. If we can embrace our Power as “the masses” we can begin to support a New system of Free Energy and responsible governance, especially when it comes to financing the few.

In an Infinitely supportive Universe, we can begin to Live and Thrive through the Healing of the planet and the “trauma” we have endured together while we were “sleeping”. We can shed our self-manufactured image of perfection in order to work through the process of RE-building something that is in favor of the 99% of US, the Human Race. A supportive “God” (Universe) is a LOVING force of energy that wants what WE want and will support us in Limitless ways.

I believe that Free Energy Technology is the first of many waves of our “liberation” and it’s now being distributed Freely via the internet and social media. From here, there will be no more stealing of energy via fossil fuels, war, money mongering, and keeping the masses in fear. When we realize that our energy has been Free all along, we will see that the most important things are also Free, like a Loving Universe and the Human Connection of ONEness.

It starts with each and every ONE of us by RE-focusing OUR energy on more and more productive ways to shift our reality to ONE that is for the Greater Good of Planet Earth=Heart and her Creatively Intelligent children, the Human Race.

Previous article by Jennifer:

About the author:

Jennifer Deisher has been sharing her gift of empathetic soul readings since her awakening, which converted her traumas into Experiences that unlocked the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their True Self.

Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, her writing has been published on numerous websites around the world. She is also a media writer for The New Earth Project, and founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.  

For more information please visit blueprintsforbutterflies.com or check out www.newearthnation.org



Filed under: abuse, afterlife, aliens, Angels, Ascension, banking, child, Children, Christ Consciousness, cognitive dissonance, Constitutional Rights, Creation, debt slavery, depression, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, finance, financial crisis, financial slavery, Gaia, God, Government, Grace, Gratitude, grief, Heal, Heart, Heaven, hell, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Light, loss, Love, mental slavery, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, President Obama, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sadness, Science, sociology, Solstice, Soul, Spirituality, tragedy, trauma, Truth, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, War, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Church, Creator, Earth, financial crisis, God, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, indigenous tribes, Life, Light, loss, Love, Mayan prophecy, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, religion, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, tragedy, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca

Blueprints for Butterflies



Hello Friends!

I know many of you have read our blog and even worked with us on occasion in the Awakening process.  We’re so Honored to be here and a part of this journey with all of you!  Recently we added some services to our site that we want to make you aware of.  We’ve had great success with our Soul Readings and Sessions and decided to reach a little further in letting everyone know that we are available as a Loving support system for anyone navigating the process of Awakening.  Please check out our services and/or e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com with any questions.  Thank you to each and every ONE of you for Honoring us by reading our blog and connecting with us on a Spiritual level.  It truly is a Gift!


The road to Self-Awareness and Spirit is an Emotional journey.  Healing is not complete unless there is Emotional clearing.  As Divine Love enters our BEing it brings to Light all of our “egoic” programming and behavior that doesn’t resonate with Unconditional Divine Love.  Our “egoic” or fear-based patterns of behavior tend to resist that which it doesn’t understand and most often tries to prohibit the Soul’s Growth in clearing unnecessary Emotional “baggage”.  We can help!  See below for Services.


Heart-based Life Coaching Sessions

We actually don’t prefer the term “Life Coaching” rather we look at it as getting one in touch with their Over-soul in order to gain Emotional Intelligence that can be applied to ones daily Life.  We have a variety of techniques and believe in a highly individualized approach to leading the Soul on a journey to Self-Awareness.  Our “fear-based” mind sometimes keep us from our best, true Self and it’s a most difficult task to overcome patterns that have become a part of us but may not be in our best interests.  Each one hour session includes an Intuitive Connection via either phone or Skype.  After the session we will spend in-depth time gaining an empathetic and Spiritual Connection with your energy signature in order to gain additional clarity into emotional blocks and/or unresolved, fear-based patterns of behavior.  Within 48 hours you will receive a detailed, intuitive, and empathetic written reading from Jennifer that will unlock deep-seated emotional blocks and provide a Blueprint for emotional Healing.  To book a session please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for scheduling and for payment please click the “buy now” button below.


Please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for sliding scale pricing!

Spiritual Awakening Sessions

There is a great paradigm shift happening in our World and on our Beautiful Planet.  Many are Awakening to find that there is something much bigger than they ever realized and are finding a new way to DO and BE.  On the flip side, Awakenings can be traumatic and confusing if it causes you to question everything you’ve ever known.  We offer Guidance and Support during this transition and can help one make sense of the Awakening Experience.  Each Awakening session includes an Intuitive Connection via either phone or Skype, typically 30-45 minutes.  After the session we will spend in-depth time gaining an empathetic and Spiritual Connection with your energy signature in order to guide you into your Higher Self and/or Spiritual Guides.   Every Awakening is different and individualized but the key is that it is Always Life-changing and can be a tumultuous time without a Loving support system. Within 48 hours you will receive a detailed, intuitive, and empathetic written reading from Jennifer.  To book a session please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for scheduling and for payment please click the “buy now” button below.


Please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com for sliding scale pricing!

3 Question Soul Reading

Ask us anything and we’ll give you an answer!  If you feeling “stuck” in limited patterns of behavior, having trouble deciding whether to end your relationship, or whether to take the new job we can help.  As Intuitives and Empaths we can bring clarity to some of those tough, Life-changing decisions by tuning into your energy signature.  We will send an in-depth written response within 48 hours and will be available for follow-up if the need arises.  To book a 3 Question reading please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com with your questions and for payment please click the “buy now” button below.




Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, aliens, Angels, Ascension, banking, beginning, Boston, child, Children, Christ Consciousness, Christmas, cognitive dissonance, Constitutional Rights, Creation, dante's inferno, debt slavery, depression, Diamonds, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, finance, financial crisis, financial slavery, Gaia, God, Government, Grace, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, holiday, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Life Coaching, Light, loss, Love, mental slavery, metaphysical, mooji, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sacred geometry, sadness, Science, sociology, Solstice, Soul, Soul Reading, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual services, Spirituality, stars, suicide, toxic relationships, tragedy, trauma, Truth, ucc, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, War, Wicca Tagged: Ascension, Emotional Intelligence, grief, Happiness, Joy, Life Coaching, Light, Love, Mother Earth, Sorrow, Soul Reading, Spiritual Services, Truth, unconditional Love, Universal Law

Into the Deep



Artwork by Jessica Perlstein: http://dreamstreamart.com/

We have a misconception in our society and within our belief systems that challenges everything we think we know about learning Self-Love.  We are taught on a most basic level that Honest emotion is weak, vulnerable, and unhealthy and it is here that we see ourselves running away from Self over and over again.  It is most important in this journey to come into Balance with our shadow side and learn to Love this piece of ourselves that we may find unlikable or even unlovable.  It’s actually quite sane and normal to fear this side of ourselves on some level due to the decisions that we sometimes make from this shadowy “place”.  The fact of the matter is that we should be “fearful” of our shadow side and this is why we have to be willing to be the distant observer of our fear by learning to have a healthy respect for it and the reactions it can bring into our Lives by way of the decisions we make that may not be the most rational or objective.

 Honest, intimate, and Loving connections can bring up emotional issues that are looking for Healing or release.  It is this Light of Love that can shine on our darkest places leaving us to face what we perceive as ugliness about ourselves.  The truth is that emotional expression is a most beautiful form of Art that tells us everything we need to know about our emotional and spiritual complexities.  We ALL have a “snake” which is what we perceive to be a fear, insecurity, or weakness.  Most people fear and “hate” the snake just for being itself and this says so much about our “egoic”, fear-based, or “reptilian” brain depending on how you choose to look at it.  When one comes face to face with these fear-based emotional complexities it takes great discipline to be the distant observer of our personal brand of “fight or flight “ reaction that happens automatically in these situations.  Sometimes if the shock value is high enough we don’t have the option to sit back and observe so we are then left  to experience some kind of fall-out in what is actually a very normal REaction.

There is nothing wrong with desire as it tells us where we have longing in our Lives.  When we feel angry it typically comes on the heels of some form of pain and lets us know where we feel threatened or “tread upon” in some way.  When we feel lack it is because we are working through a process of feeling there is something we once had but has now gone missing.  When we feel resentment it’s because we feel violated in some way.  When we feel guilt or shame it can point to a place where Self can be more Accountable to Self.  When we feel jealous or insecure it tells us we feel fear of “losing” something or someone that is important to us on some level.  We all feel alone and abandoned at times but it’s in our solitude that we find out what we’re made of as it’s only our perception that sees us “alone” in the crowd. The list goes on and on but the gist is that our emotions tell us everything that our Spirit needs us to know about where we need emotional clearing or detoxification.  Where we get into trouble is in thinking that our emotions and/or the expression of these emotions is ugly or wrong somehow.  This is when we begin to settle for less than what our True Self seeks to have in our Life Experience because it forces us to push away the emotional expression of our “fear” or the very thing we are trying to shed in the first place.

If we can really find a way to be the distant observer of our “snake” we can begin to suck the “venom” or poison out of its actions and reactions.  Sometimes we need help or intervention with this because the snake is very comfortable with the patterns of behavior that it created to keep it Safe.  In this, the word “ego” implies something selfish which is why it’s important to understand that many of our venomous ways were created in childhood before we are even old enough to communicate in many cases.  When we suck the venom out of our fear we don’t have to be afraid of its reactions or its tendency to sabotage anything Healthy that comes into our Lives.  We Learn to Love our snake just for being itself and from here we can admit to ourselves when we’ve made subconscious, unhealthy decisions that negatively impact our Lives and/or cause “regret”.  When we are unable to recognize where we REact from our snake we ultimately aren’t being True to Self and begin to settle with Self and in our relationships.

The Key is that there is nothing wrong with what we perceive to be our “negative” emotions rather it’s our job in the process to overcome this perception and learn to Love every aspect of Self.  When we Love our snake it becomes docile and only bites when its very clear boundaries are being violated.  From here, we can use the venom from our snake as medicine in order to find Positive aspects and strength where we perceived negativity and weakness.  We learn to Live side by side with our fear so that we can grow and branch out like the Tree of Life instead of continuing to run round and round on the “karmic wheel” of venomous decisions designed to keep us from our best and truest Self leading to the greatest fulfillment of our deeper Purpose.  We learn from here to really evaluate the choices and decisions we have available to us and react from this Healthier emotional space rather than relying on impulsive decisions made from fear instead of Self-Love.  We Always need to remember that we are Beautiful Souls who are ALL Worthy of Unconditional Love on the most fundamental of levels and that we ALL came “here” to experience just that!

Music to drive it Home: Wake up Angel Team

Ed Sheeran – The A Team

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains and you include this copyright notice.

We are adding a new service to our repertoire called “The Demon Stop” for those who are struggling with letting go of very deep-seated fears that negatively impact Lives based on making impulsive decisions from the “egoic” mind.  It’s in clearing out these lower vibrational energies that we see our Lives begin to Thrive and our Spirit begin to Grow.  When we can learn to co-exist with our fear without making impulsive, regretful decisions we find a release that changes the very foundation of our Lives in a Positive and Loving way.  If you are interested in exploring this service with us we are offering an introductory special of only $30.  This will include an extensive conversation with us in addition to a Healing plan in writing as well as intensive and supportive follow-up.  If you are interested or have questions, please e-mail us at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com to schedule an appointment and/or click the “buy now” button below.                                                                                     btn_buynowCC_LG

About the author:

Jennifer Deisher has been sharing her gift of empathetic soul readings since her awakening, which converted her traumas into Experiences that unlocked the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their True Self.

Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, her writing has been published on numerous websites around the world. She is also a media writer for The New Earth Project, and founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.

For more information please visit blueprintsforbutterflies.com or check out www.newearthnation.org

We are working toward raising money for an important dental procedure that is also quite expensive.  If you can help out today by donating or booking a session with us it would go a long way toward helping us meet our goal of over $4K.  Thank you so much for your support of our work and our blog!                                                           btn_donateCC_LG


Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, aliens, Angels, Ascension, beginning, child, Children, Christ Consciousness, cognitive dissonance, Constitutional Rights, Creation, dante's inferno, debt slavery, depression, Diamonds, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, finance, financial crisis, financial slavery, Gaia, God, Government, Grace, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, holiday, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Life Coaching, Light, loss, Love, mental slavery, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sacred geometry, sadness, Science, sociology, Solstice, Soul, Soul Reading, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual services, Spirituality, stars, the demon stop, toxic relationships, tragedy, trauma, Truth, Uncategorized, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Creator, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, Life, Light, loss, Love, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, rain, rainbow, Revelation, sadness, Solstice, spirituality, tragedy, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca

The Trauma Drama



We have entered a delicate emotional and spiritual space in our “evolution” and I’ve heard from many recently in regards to feeling like the deeper emotional issues are coming up AGAIN to be processed.  From here, many are re-Creating their own emotional “traumas” in an inadvertent way both individually and in the bigger societal picture.  The definition of trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience and when this happens we usually find an emotional “snapshot” which may leave our perceptions of this moment at great odds with the “reality” that we may still be living and re-living this detrimental emotional experience.  Exhaustively enough, it is “here” that we will find a great Key of transcendence if we allow ourselves to look a little further withIN to release some of the deeper social, psychological, and spiritual “programming” from separation and judgement.  This is especially important when we feel separated from Self because we are in judgment of our own underlying emotions that stem from the trauma or the not so conspicuous PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress “disorder”) that comes later which is actually a very NATURAL emotional response. When we find ourselves feeling discontent with others or societal influence due to underlying trauma or PTSD it is withIN that we find all the answers we need and, as a matter of fact, our answers are coded right into our DNA so we never need to look any further than right Here where YOU are.

We’ve all experienced something “negative” in our Lives whether it be in a physical, psychological (mental), emotional, or spiritual aspect.  One of the most common experiences is the perception of abandonment because we are ALL experiencing a newer awareness including that of separation as spiritual beings having a human experience. We learn, for the most part, the “God” resides somewhere outside of ourselves dictating our Lives in some way, shape, or form but the Truth is that we are the “God” of our own individual Universe which is shaped by our physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual bodies.  Our preconceived ideals of what that means have been literally turned upside-down by our societal beliefs and familial expectations. The bottom line is this – if we haven’t made it ALL the way through our PAIN and found a Loving space for Self on the other side then we will most likely continue to re-Create our struggle in order to completely Overcome it.  This results in finding Love for Self and a more complete Healing by going through what we may be used to going around.  Over and over and round and round we go until we find Acceptance and Resolution leading to the KNOWING that we can never be any less than Whole or Complete even as we are experiencing “separation” and the feeling of abandonment that comes with it.

For this exercise we must think of “God” as our Higher Self who only has our best interests at Heart and wants to see YOU succeed in all areas of Life on Earth.  In other words, we have to KNOW that Self wants what’s best for Self and be able to put our Trust and Faith into this realization.  From here, we can see that the drama of our trauma doesn’t have to be so dramatic after all as it’s leading us to the ultimate prize of release, letting go, or Acceptance (however you chose to look at it).  The most important thing to remember about the stress that comes with trauma and PTSD is that we are searching for a way to have our Emotional needs met in order to move on.  We are ultimately trying to find a Safe emotional space where we are comfortable with expressing the emotions the event brought on in the first place.  It’s a very typical thing to project these emotional needs onto others and expect them to fulfill us which is, unfortunately, quite impossible.  The problem with this is that the person we are expecting to meet these emotional needs is unable because they can’t possibly know what Self needs more than Self which sets us (and them) up for “failure” in almost every situation.  Ultimately, Self is the only one who is experiencing Self’s emotions and in order to Heal we must meet our OWN emotional needs but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a Loving support system around us when we work through it.

As we put our Trust and Faith in our Higher Self we can begin to work with the damage and confusion on a more Spiritual level which brings significantly more accessible results.  We can begin to be Honest with ourselves about what our emotional needs really are and how these “needs” are effecting our Lives in the bigger picture.  We must be willing to establish how and with whom we are going about having these emotional needs met.  While we are in this process we MUST keep in mind that our emotional needs aren’t necessarily “unhealthy” rather we may be going about meeting them in an “unhealthy” way by doing harm to Self or others.  This is a very common theme, especially of late, and what we call emotional projection meaning that we are projecting our emotions onto others in order to have them meet an emotional need they cannot possibly meet setting us/them up to disappoint which causes us to be “traumatized” all over again.  This is also where we feel as if we take 2 steps forward and one step back or consistently end up back at “square one” which, as we’ve learned, is the TRUE definition of “insanity” – doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Every person and situation in our Lives is a mirror to the bigger picture of what we are trying to Learn about Self.  As we project our emotions and judgement onto others what we are really doing is asking Self to find Acceptance for the things we perceive as pissing us off or being “wrong” with the world or our relationships.  That’s certainly not to say there’s not some really negative energies out there but in order to transcend from the negativity we perceive “out there” we have to Love it into submission right “Here”.  This means what we “hate” or fear out there or in another is what we really hate or fear from withIN.  There’s nowhere to hide from this perception because we wouldn’t know hate and/or fear if we didn’t have it in our possession withIN.  These seemingly “negative” emotions are ALLERGIC to the energy of Love and in order to rid ourselves of them we must LOVE them from withIN.  From there, we begin to forget the negativity surrounding our trauma and can approach it from either a Loving standpoint or, even better, get to a place where we no longer put energy into it at ALL which is when it all but disappears as we (finally) move forward.

These epiphanies are uncomfortable and sometimes make us feel shame, guilt, or even “stupid” although it takes great commitment and courage to face what one truly hates and/or fears withIN.  It’s from this place of great vulnerability that we find our greatest Strength.  After all, this is when we Truly reach the rainbow bridge of emotionally imaginative Creation because we are in a Safe space where we aren’t doing “harm” onto others by way of our emotional projections.  Heaven on Earth is a mindset and a way of BEing rather than a place or an emotion that can be met by another from a projection because this IS part of the “illusion”.  The illusion tells us that we are incomplete, fragmented, or broken but the Truth is that we can never be these things in Spirit.  It’s only our judgment that tells us our emotions are “wrong” and our projection that tells us we need someone else to validate that the emotions are normal and healthy.  The safety comes when we no longer need this validation from others and find Love from withIN, even the parts of Self we think are “ugly”.  As most everything we Learned is upside-down, those who are reading this and embracing this process of Healing are opening up to a much deeper emotional vastness that covers all ends of the emotional and spiritual spectrum.  This means that by studying and making correction with our spiritual and emotional body we are able to Connect with Self and others in the most profound and expansive way.  From this end of the spectrum of pain, trauma, and PTSD to the other end of the spectrum of Love, Acceptance, and a Wholeness that comes from withIN.  This Loving Acceptance of Self is where we find our own personal brand of Heaven on Earth that comes from withIN and then begins to transform our reality (without).

If the writing Inspires you please consider a donation to our work or book a session with us at blueprintsforbutterflies.com.  We live and thrive by way of your support for our work and we Appreciate those of you who are helping us meet our goal of $4K for dental surgery.  You are Angels each and every ONE!  btn_donateCC_LG

Copyright © The Moon Hippie Mystic.  All rights reserved.  You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains and you include this copyright notice.

About the author:

Jennifer Deisher has been sharing her gift of empathetic soul readings since her awakening, which converted her traumas into Experiences that unlocked the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their True Self.

Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, her writing has been published on numerous websites around the world. She is also a media writer for The New Earth Project, and founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.

For more information please visit blueprintsforbutterflies.com or check out www.newearthnation.org

Filed under: abuse, addiction, afterlife, alcoholism, Angels, Ascension, beginning, child, Children, Christ Consciousness, cognitive dissonance, Constitutional Rights, Creation, debt slavery, depression, Disclosure, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, enslavement, evolution, finance, financial crisis, financial slavery, Gaia, God, Government, Grace, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Life Coaching, Light, loss, Love, mental slavery, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sadness, sociology, Solstice, Soul, Soul Reading, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual services, Spirituality, suicide, toxic relationships, tragedy, trauma, Truth Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, drama, Emotional Intelligence, God, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, Higher Self, human emotions, humanity, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, psychology, ptsd, Purpose, rainbow, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, tragedy, trauma, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca

Let it Rain – Finding Gratitude in Grief

I Love the rain. I always have. Maybe it’s because Water is my element. Maybe it’s because I’ve had sorrow in my Life and the rain is fresh and rejuvenating. Maybe it’s because Spring is my favorite season. Maybe it’s because I want to feel Pure and Clean.

I wish this was the type of rain I was talking about today, but what I’m talking about is the rain that pours from the Heart, the Soul, and the eyes. This rain is grief.

Grief is a very common process that we go through when we have had a loss or trauma in our Lives. This grieving process is a normal, natural process but it can become very difficult if we don’t accept it and allow ourselves to work through it. Oftentimes, we allow ourselves to grieve the loss of a Loved one but we forget to allow grief for Oneself, whether that loss comes in the form of death, separation, or REnewel – as is common whilst we evolve from negative emotions that may have kept us stuck.

We’ve all had trauma in our Lives at one point or another but the key to overcoming trauma is to get to the root of it and give permission for SELF to grieve - which can be the most difficult part.

We all have a Higher Self who is right on the other side of the veil, and who only has our individual best interests at Heart. When we deny ourselves the important process of grief, we truly become detached from ourselves and our emotions, so it’s beneficial on a Soul level to Allow the energetic process of grief to ensue if it needs to, because it’s not worth the trauma that’s caused by keeping it inside.

I AM Grateful for grief and its process because it allows me to know that I AM Alive and that I have Loved and been Loved.

This is the true nature of grief and sorrow. You have to know that you will grieve and be prepared for that so you can begin to Heal. This is a process that isn’t easy but will be made more difficult if you don’t allow yourself to go through it, open to the lesson of its experience. By not allowing yourself this necessary process, you will only prolong it.

It also helps to understand grief and what to expect of yourself during times of grief. When you are grieving loss, you will do so until you are finished and no one will know how long that will take, especially you. You can’t expect to just “be done” with it because expectation will only make the process harder. There will be times when you will feel as if you are okay, only to find 2 days later that this may not be the case, so it is helpful to recognize the process and persistence of grief regardless, of how much we want to wish it away.

You may find yourself in denial because your mind is having a hard time accepting this very different reality. But it will slowly allow you to access the other emotions involved, as you are ready. You may be angry because you are in pain and because you miss your friend, even if that friend is yourSELF who has come to this process by way of trauma. You may be angry because you are scared of what your Life will be without this dear Soul to turn to. You may feel somewhat helpless because of circumstances and may feel a need to control certain things. But there is sorrow and fear behind this need to control, and once the mind is finished masking these other symptoms with false needs, you will feel very sad — and this is painful. This is where it gets tricky and avoidance comes in.

Let It Rain - Gratitude in GriefIt may feel like you want to release your sorrow, but in order to do that you have to allow yourself to feel the pain that comes with it. Sorrow is hard but it doesn’t have to be if you surrender to it and allow yourself to feel Truly it. And the best way to do that is by honoring your friend (and yourSelf) and the Joy they brought to your Life. Embracing the heartwarming moments that come to your heart and mind when you think of them in tribute is the key to mastering this process. In these moments is where you will find your friend and more importantly their enduring Spirit - their residual energy. These are your memories and no one can take them away from you. They are part of you, so you honor your friend and your relationship, and allow yourself to remember them in this way.

These pivotal moments in time are forever sealed in the Book of Life, the Akashic Records, or the Cosmic Mind – however you wish to look at it. The Love you have for each other is forever recorded in the Universe and will be there for all time. This is where you will find your friend, both now and “later”. Allow yourself to cry the tears because it means you Loved your friend, and you are releasing the pain that should not be kept inside. Allow yourself to feel the sorrow so that you can rejoice in the memories. You cannot remember the good times by avoiding thinking about your lost friend, so to honor their memory you have to honor yourself – by allowing yourself to remember.

Be forever Grateful for all of the memories in every moment that you think of your friend. And be grateful for the rain. There must be rain in order for flowers to grow. There must be rain to maintain balance on Mother Earth. And, most importantly, there must be rain in order to know that you Loved your friend, they Loved you, and you will miss their presence in your Life. This is the duality of our universe.

Let It Rain - Rainbow BridgeSo I will say to you… let it rain!

After the Rain comes the Rainbow, and this is acceptance. When you see the Rainbow you will know that your friend is just on the other side, filled with Joy that you made the journey down this road together. You will See and Feel the Spirit of your friend, and their Gratitude that you Loved them enough to remember and Honor them in this way even – though it caused you great pain and heartache. Thank them for walking down this path with you and for being with you when you finally reached the Rainbow. And know that they thank you. This is when you will know that they are always with you and will forever be a part of your Soul, and you of theirs.

This is when you will remember where they are and where you come from.

Dear Friends and readers,

If the writing Inspires you please consider a financial (LOVE) energy exchange or you MUST book a service or reading with me – it’s Fun and so insightful to Connect with ones Higher Self in this way and such an HONOR for me to Connect with ALL of YOU.  It’s where I get the Inspiration to write these profound messages from Spirit and without ALL of YOU I could never write the Blueprints we all need in this process of ascending our “dark night of the Soul” together.  Sometimes we ALL need “help” in this process and so it is that I still need a little “help” with getting my dental infection sorted out.  If you can book a session at this time or send a donation I would be so Grateful.  Thank you from the deep bottom well of Angel Hearts to those of you who have already donated or booked services with me!  You’ve gone a long way in helping me with the dental stuff BUT, more importantly, a long way toward helping me with my own “trauma drama” surrounding my ego’s perception that my Self-Worth was all tied up in how much money I had for this procedure.  I’m Worth It!  Enough said and thank you for getting me HERE!


About the author:

Jennifer Deisher has been sharing her gift of empathetic soul readings since her awakening, an experience that converted her life’s traumas into lessons that unlocked the authentic Blueprint of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to help and guide others to find their True Self.

Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, she founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.

For heart-based life coaching and soul readings, connect with Jennifer at BlueprintsForButterflies.com

Filed under: afterlife, Angels, Ascension, beginning, Christ Consciousness, Creation, depression, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, evolution, Gaia, God, Grace, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Life Coaching, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sadness, sociology, Soul, Soul Reading, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual services, Spirituality, tragedy, trauma, Truth, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca Tagged: Angels, Ascension, Beauty, Children, Church, Creator, death experiences, Earth, God, grief, Happiness, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, Life, Light, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, rain, rainbow, religion, Revelation, sadness, spirituality, tragedy, Universal Laws, Universe, Wicca

Creative Writing Workshop – Opening the Channel WithIN


book_of_books de Vladimir Kush


Artwork by Vladmir Kush

Founder of Blueprints for Butterflies and writer of The Moon Hippie Mystic blog, Jennifer Deisher, has created a unique 6 week workshop designed to demonstrate writing techniques and exercises to strengthen your creative writing muscle. There is a very symbiotic relationship between our Emotional and Spiritual embodiment which directly effects our Creative channel or outlet.  We all have the ability to access these artistic blueprints but emotional and physical obstacles can deny, or severely limit, this natural human expression. Accessing these channels of creativity can be tenuous to say the least. Balance between the mind, body, and spirit are essential to artistic creation. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just beginning to explore your potential, my individualized techniques will help you become aware and enable you to process emotional, spiritual, and/or creative obstructions. This allows you the opportunity to design your own architecture of creative expression free from doubt, fear, and insecurity.

I will work with each individual one on one guiding you into your own ability in knowing how to open and close your creative channel. The workshop will include daily and weekly writing assignments via e-mail but will also include skype sessions to develop a deeper connection. My unique approach speaks to the writer’s soul exclusively which will open ones creative channel. Some of the writing assignments will be read by me and some will be personal but by writing I can see HOW you create and WHERE you are having emotional, spiritual, and/or Creative blocks.  In short, this is a HIGHLY Individualized PROCESS of opening the Spiritual and Emotional “channel” through Creative Writing.  The Goal and end result will be the ability to automatic write from a higher level, connect with YOUR Higher Self easily and effectively, and bring insight and clarity into the very emotional blocks that tend to choke our creativity and our Lives by extension.  We can get started and you can be on your way to writing it out for Self and others all while exploring the exclusive Blueprints for your Emotional, Spiritual, and Creative expression.

The start date is contingent upon the individual so we can start when you choose, one on one.  There are 3 different ways to get started.  See payment options below and shoot me an e-mail at blueprintsforbutterflies@gmail.com to confirm.  My skype name is blueprintsforbutterflies for the skype sessions involved in the Workshop.

Pricing is as follows:

If you would like to pay in FULL the cost is $250 (discounted rate).  Please click here:


Otherwise the cost of the Workshop is $300 for 6 weeks of highly individualized instruction.  There are 2 other options for payment.  The first is two payments of $150 at the beginning and middle of the Workshop.  To chose this option click here:


And, the second option is $50/week for 6 weeks.  To chose this option please click here:


About the author and instructor:

Jennifer Deisher has been sharing her gift of emotional and spiritual Healing through soul readings and an ability to connect with others via intuition, empathy, and emotional experience.  A profound Spiritual awakening opened a creative writing channel that converted her traumas into artistic expression unlocking the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their Higher Self where our own unique and individual Blueprints await discovery.

Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, her writing has been published on numerous websites around the world. She is also a Guest Writer for Wake up World and founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.

For more information please visit BlueprintsForButterflies.com or stop by Wakeup-world.com.

Filed under: Christ Consciousness, Creation, Divine blueprint, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, evolution, Heal, human emotions, Joy, Life, Life Coaching, Light, Love, psychology, Soul, Soul Reading, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual services, Spirituality, trauma, unconditional love, Universal Laws Tagged: Blueprints, Creative Writing, Creative Writing Workshop, Emotional Expression, Emotional Intelligence, evolution, Higher Self, Soul, spirituality, Writing workshop

Healing the Trauma Drama

Healing the Trauma Drama

22nd June 2014

By Jennifer Deisher

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

Trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience, and when this happens we often take an emotional “snapshot” of this moment, living and re-living this detrimental emotional experience. As exhausting as this can be, it is here that we will find a great Key of transcendence - it allows us to look a little further withIN that trauma, and release some of the deeper social, psychological, and spiritual “programming” from separation and judgement. This process is especially important when we feel separated from Self; when we judge our own underlying emotions that stem from our trauma.

We never need to look any further than right Here – where YOU are. When an underlying trauma leaves us feeling discontent with others or society, it is withIN that we find all the answers we need. As a matter of fact, our answers are coded right into our DNA.

We’ve all experienced something “negative” in our Lives, whether it be in a physical, psychological (mental), emotional, or spiritual aspect. One of the most common experiences is the perception of abandonment, because at a higher level, we are ALL experiencing a newer awareness – including that of separation. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are Oneness, separated by form, and our increasing perception of this Truth is allowing us to uncover and heal the underlying trauma of separation.


The bottom line is this. If we haven’t made it ALL the way through our pain and found a Loving space for ourSelf on the other side, then we will continue to re-Create our energetic struggle. Over and over and round and round we go, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results (the definition of “insanity”). When we learn to Overcome our trauma - by goingthrough what we are used to going around - we find Love for Self and a more complete Healing. We find acceptance, knowing that we can never be any less than whole, even as we experience the ‘separation’ of this Reality and the feelings of abandonment that can come with it. We make peace with our perfect imperfection.

The Only Way Out is Through

We learn, for the most part, that “God” resides somewhere outside of ourselves, dictating our Lives in some way, shape or form. But as we evolve, our preconceived ideas of what that means are literally being turned upside-down. We are seeing that we are the “God” of our own individual Universe, the Divine creators of our own Reality, shaped by our physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual bodies. We are realizing that “God” is our Higher Self - our connectedness - and putting our Trust and Faith into this realization. From here, we can see that the drama of our trauma doesn’t have to be so dramatic after all, as it’s leading us to the ultimate prize of release, letting go - Acceptance.

The most important thing to remember about dealing with trauma is that, at a fundamental level, we are searching for a way to have our Emotional needs met, in order to move on. We are ultimately trying to find a Safe emotional space where we can be comfortable with our experience and our emotions, and feel comfortable expressing them.

While we are in this process we must keep in mind that our emotional needs aren’t “unhealthy” - they are a Truth of this Reality - but we may be avoiding them, or trying to meet them in an “unhealthy” (and unsatisfying) way by doing harm to Self or others. This is a very common theme; we project these emotional needs onto others and expect them to fulfil us… which is, of course, quite impossible. It just sets us (and them) up for “failure”, which causes us (and them) to be traumatized all over again. The people in our lives can only provide a Loving support system while we work through our emotions.

Ultimately, Self is the only one who is experiencing Self’s emotions, so in order to Heal we must meet our OWN emotional needs. As we put our Trust and Faith in our Higher Self, we can begin to work with the damage and confusion on a more Spiritual level, which brings significantly more accessible results. When we begin to look withIN, we can begin to be Honest with ourselves about our emotional needs and how these needs effect our Lives in the bigger picture.

The Mirror of Perception

Every person and situation in our lives is a mirror. They reflect to us our perception of Reality, and the bigger picture of what we are trying to Learn about Self. This means what we love or hate or fear “out there”, or in another, is what we really love or hate or fear withIN. We wouldn’t know hate and/or fear if we didn’t have it in our possession, withIN.

Healing the Trauma Drama - The Mirror of PerceptionIn order to transcend the negativity we perceive “out there” we have to Love it into submission, right “in here”. Our seemingly negative emotions reflect an absence of the energy of Love, so in order to rid ourselves of them, we must LOVE them, shining a light on the Shadows within. From there, we begin to forget the negativity surrounding our trauma and can approach it from either a Loving standpoint or, even better, we can get to a place where we no longer put energy into it at ALL, as we (finally) move forward.

It takes great commitment and courage to face what one truly hates and/or fears withIN. These feelings are extremely uncomfortable. The illusion tells us that we are incomplete, fragmented, or broken but the Truth is that we can never be these things in Spirit. It’s only our judgment that tells us our emotions are “wrong”. But it’s from this place of great vulnerability that we find our greatest Strength. Heaven is a mindset and a way of BEing, rather than a place or an emotion that can be met by another. When we stop repeating our cycles of emotional trauma and projecting our emotions outwardly, we stop doing harm to ourselves and others, and create peace and safety withIN ourselves.

When we fill our Shadows with light, they all but disappear. 

Embracing a process of Healing opens up an emotional vastness that covers all ends of the spiritual and emotional spectrum. This is where we really begin to heal from the pain and trauma caused by this Reality. By understanding and Loving our entire spiritual and emotional body, we are able to Connect with Self and others in a most profound and expansive way. The Gift, and what makes it worth the process, is our own personal brand of Heaven that comes from withIN and then transforms our reality (without).

If the Writing Inspires you please send us some LOVE in the form of a donation.  To book a session or sign up for the Creative Writing Workshop – Opening the Channel WithIN please click here.


About the author and instructor:

Jennifer Deisher has been sharing her gift of emotional and spiritual Healing through soul readings and an ability to connect with others via intuition, empathy, and emotional experience.  A profound Spiritual awakening opened a creative writing channel that converted her traumas into artistic expression unlocking the authentic Blueprints of the Soul. Today, her unique insight and connectedness with Spirit allows her to guide others into their Higher Self where our own unique and individual Blueprints await discovery.

Jennifer believes the art of human connection has been conditioned into detachment from our True Self, which consequently denies us the essential Blueprints of our evolution. Driven to share her perspective with the world, her writing has been published on numerous websites around the world. She is also a Guest Writer for Wake up World and founded the website BlueprintsForButterflies to help others connect with their Higher Self and create a spiritual foundation in line with their own individual energy signature.

For more information please visit BlueprintsForButterflies.com or stop by Wakeup-world.com.

For soul readings and coaching, connect with Jennifer at BlueprintsForButterflies.com


Previous articles by Jennifer:


Filed under: abuse, addiction, alcoholism, Angels, Ascension, beginning, child, Children, Christ Consciousness, cognitive dissonance, Creation, depression, Divine, Divine blueprint, Divine Mother, Earth, ego, emotional abuse, Emotional Intelligence, enlightenment, evolution, Gaia, God, Grace, Gratitude, grief, Heal, healing, Heart, Heaven, hell, Hope, human emotions, Joy, Life, Life Coaching, Light, loss, Love, mental slavery, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Origin, Pagan, psychology, PTSD, rain, rebirth, relationships, religion, revelation, sadness, sociology, Soul, Soul Reading, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual services, Spirituality, suicide, toxic relationships, tragedy, trauma, Truth, unconditional love, Universal Laws, Universe Tagged: Angels, Beauty, Creator, death experiences, Earth, grief, Happiness, healing, Heaven, human emotions, humanity, indigenous tribes, Life, Light, loss, Love, metaphysical, Moon, Mother, Mother Earth, Passion, Peace, psychic phenomenon, Purpose, rain, rainbow, Revelation, sadness, Solstice, spirituality, tragedy, Universe
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